𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝑵𝑶𝑾! - 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 2

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please note that this chapter here is going to have a lot of scenes I don't recommend to children

Narrator's POV:

Li Mei Lin's heart sank as Li Wei approached them, his expression a mask of frustration and anger. She watched in silence as he pulled Zhou Hua away from her, the tension between them palpable in the air.Zhou Hua's eyes widened in surprise at Li Wei's sudden intervention, his confusion evident as he met Li Wei's gaze. "Li Wei, I..." he began, his voice faltering as he struggled to find the right words.But Li Wei cut him off with a sharp glare, his voice tinged with bitterness as he spoke. "You knew we all liked her, and it's now that you decided to get her back," he accused, his words dripping with resentment.Zhou Hua's jaw tightened with frustration as he met Li Wei's gaze, the weight of his words hanging heavily between them. Li Mei Lin felt a pang of guilt at the realization of the turmoil her presence had caused, torn between the conflicting emotions of love and loyalty.Before she could intervene, Li Wei turned away, his shoulders slumping with defeat as he retreated into the shadows. Li Mei Lin watched him go, a sense of sadness washing over her at the sight of his retreating figure.As she turned back to Zhou Hua, she knew that their journey together would not be easy, that they would face many obstacles and challenges along the way. But as long as they faced them together, hand in hand, Li Mei Lin knew that their love would endure, stronger than ever before. Zhou Hua's voice was urgent as he spoke, his eyes pleading with Li Mei Lin to heed his words. "Look at me, Mei," he implored, reaching out to gently cup her face in his hands. "Don't pay attention to him or the others. Li Wei is a real player. He'll get with you and dump your ass a week later."Li Mei Lin's heart ached at Zhou Hua's words, the weight of his warning sinking in as she looked into his eyes. She knew that he was right, that Li Wei's intentions were far from genuine, but the thought of betraying her friend tore at her conscience."I... I don't know what to do, Huanan," Li Mei Lin confessed, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she struggled to make sense of her feelings.Zhou Hua's grip tightened slightly as he gazed at her with unwavering determination. "Trust me, Mei," he said softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "I won't let anything or anyone come between us.

As Zhou Hua's words hung in the air, Li Mei Lin felt a sense of calm wash over her. She nodded slowly, her heart swelling with gratitude for his unwavering support.In the soft glow of the evening light, Li Mei Lin and Zhou Hua found themselves sitting on a bench in the tranquil garden, surrounded by the gentle rustle of leaves and the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers. The air was filled with a sense of peace, a welcome respite from the chaos of their tumultuous emotions.Zhou Hua reached out to gently brush a lock of hair from Li Mei Lin's face, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. "Mei," he began softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know things haven't been easy for us, but I want you to know that I'm here for you. Always."Li Mei Lin felt her cheeks flush with warmth as Zhou Hua leaned in to place a gentle kiss on her cheek, his lips lingering against her skin for a moment longer than necessary. She couldn't help but blush at the intimate gesture, her heart fluttering with anticipation."Thank you, Huanan," Li Mei Lin murmured, her voice filled with gratitude as she met Zhou Hua's gaze. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the warmth of his affection, she knew that no matter what the future held, she was exactly where she was meant to be-wrapped in the embrace of his love. As they talked, their words weaving tales of shared memories and dreams for the future, the golden rays of the setting sun cast a warm glow upon their faces, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange. A gentle breeze stirred the leaves overhead, carrying with it the sweet scent of jasmine and lavender.Lost in their conversation, Li Mei Lin and Zhou Hua hardly noticed the figure approaching them until he was standing before them, a smile spreading across his face. It was Li Yan, a childhood friend of Li Mei Lin's, his eyes widening in recognition as he caught sight of Zhou Hua."Zhou Hua, is that you?" Li Yan exclaimed; his voice filled with surprise as he approached them. "I can't believe it's been so long since we last saw each other!"Zhou Hua returned Li Yan's smile, a sense of nostalgia washing over him as he greeted his old friend. "Li Yan, it's good to see you," he said warmly, extending his hand in greeting.As Li Yan joined them on the bench, the three friends laughed and reminisced, their voices blending harmoniously with the gentle symphony of nature that surrounded them. In that moment, amidst the beauty of the garden and the warmth of their friendship, Li Mei Lin felt a sense of contentment wash over her, grateful for the bonds that had brought them together once again.

As the noon sun reached its zenith, casting dappled shadows across the university courtyard, Li Mei Lin, Zhou Hua, and Li Yan sat at a rustic wooden table, enjoying a leisurely lunch together. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked dishes, and the sound of laughter and chatter drifted through the air as students bustled about.Around them, the courtyard was alive with activity, students milling about as they enjoyed their midday break. Li Mei Lin savored the flavors of her meal, her eyes sparkling with happiness as she engaged in animated conversation with Zhou Hua and Li Yan, their laughter ringing out like music in the warm afternoon air.Suddenly, the mood shifted as the rest of F8 approached their table, their presence casting a shadow over the jovial atmosphere. Li Wei's eyes narrowed as he caught sight of Zhou Hua, his frustration evident as he glared at him from across the table."What's he doing here?" Li Wei demanded; his voice laced with hostility as he confronted Zhou Hua. "I thought we agreed to stay away from Li Mei Lin."Zhou Hua's jaw tightened with irritation as he met Li Wei's gaze, his own frustration bubbling to the surface. "I have just as much right to be here as you do, Li Wei," he shot back, his voice tinged with defiance.As their argument escalated, the tension between them grew palpable, the air crackling with unspoken animosity. Li Mei Lin watched helplessly from the sidelines; her heart heavy with the weight of their conflict. In that moment, she couldn't help but wonder if their friendship would ever be able to withstand the strain of their differences.
The courtyard fell silent as the argument between Li Wei and Zhou Hua escalated, their voices rising in intensity as they hurled accusations and insults at each other. Li Mei Lin watched in dismay as the tension between them reached a boiling point, her heart heavy with the weight of their conflict."You think you're so special, don't you, Zhou Hua?" Li Wei's voice was filled with venom as he glared at his rival. "You waltz back into Li Mei Lin's life as if nothing happened, but you left her when she needed you the most!"Zhou Hua's eyes flashed with anger as he shot back, his voice dripping with scorn. "And what about you, Li Wei? You think you can just swoop in and claim Li Mei Lin for yourself? You don't know anything about her!"The courtyard buzzed with murmurs of unease as the onlookers watched the heated exchange unfold. Li Mei Lin felt a wave of sadness wash over her as she realized the depth of the rift between her friends, torn between the conflicting loyalties of her heart.As the argument reached its crescendo, Li Mei Lin knew that something had to be done to diffuse the tension before it spiraled out of control. With a determined resolve, she stepped forward, her voice ringing out above the chaos."Stop it, both of you!" Li Mei Lin's words echoed through the courtyard, commanding attention as she addressed Li Wei and Zhou Hua. "This is getting us nowhere. We're supposed to be friends, but all you're doing is tearing each other apart."Her words hung in the air, a solemn reminder of the bonds that had brought them together. And as Li Mei Lin looked into the eyes of her friends, she knew that despite the challenges they faced, their friendship was worth fighting for. With a silent vow in her heart, she prayed that they would find a way to overcome their differences and come together once more, stronger than ever before.
As Li Mei Lin's plea fell on deaf ears, the argument between Zhou Hua and Li Wei escalated, their voices rising to a crescendo as they clashed in a storm of words. The courtyard seemed to shrink around them, the once lively atmosphere now tinged with tension and unease.Zhou Hua's fists clenched at his sides as he glared at Li Wei, his anger simmering just below the surface. "You're just jealous, Li Wei," he spat, his voice edged with frustration. "You can't stand the fact that Li Mei Lin chose me over you."Li Wei's eyes flashed with fury as he squared his shoulders, refusing to back down. "Don't you dare blame this on me, Zhou Hua," he shot back, his voice tinged with bitterness. "You're the one who walked out on her when she needed you the most."Around them, the courtyard buzzed with whispers of gossip and speculation as the students looked on, unable to tear their eyes away from the spectacle unfolding before them. Li Mei Lin felt a knot form in her stomach as she watched her friends' once-solid friendship crumble before her eyes, powerless to stop the torrent of emotions that threatened to consume them.With each passing moment, the argument grew more heated, the air crackling with the intensity of their conflict. Li Mei Lin could feel the weight of their words pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket, drowning out the world around her as she struggled to make sense of the chaos.In that moment, amidst the chaos and confusion, Li Mei Lin felt a pang of despair wash over her, a sense of helplessness creeping into her heart. She knew that if something wasn't done soon, their friendship would be irreparably damaged, torn apart by the bitter divide that had formed between them.
In the midst of the chaos, Li Wei's frustration boiled over, his eyes flashing with anger as he seized Li Mei Lin by the arm and dragged her away from the confrontation. Zhou Hua's blood boiled with fury as he watched them go, his fists clenched at his sides as he fought the urge to intervene.They disappeared into the labyrinth of corridors; Li Wei's grip unyielding as he led Li Mei Lin to a secluded corner where no prying eyes could find them. With a swift motion, he pinned her against the wall, his hand covering her mouth to stifle any cries for help.Li Mei Lin's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled against his hold, her eyes wide with fear as she met his gaze. But Li Wei's eyes burned with determination as he leaned in close, his voice a low whisper against her ear."Li Mei Lin," he breathed, his voice thick with desire. "You know you want this. You know you want me."Li Mei Lin's breath caught in her throat as she felt his words wash over her, a shiver running down her spine at the intensity of his gaze. She knew she should resist, knew she should push him away, but the heat of his touch ignited a fire within her that she couldn't deny."Zhou Hua may have your heart for now," Li Wei continued, his voice a seductive lure. "But you know deep down that I'm the one you truly desire. Give in to me, Li Mei Lin. Give in to what you really want."Li Mei Lin's mind raced with conflicting emotions as she struggled to make sense of his words. She knew she should fight him, knew she should resist his advances. But as she looked into Li Wei's eyes, she couldn't shake the feeling that he was right-that deep down, she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. And in that moment, she felt herself teetering on the edge of a precipice, unsure of which way to fall. As Li Wei's words hung in the air, Li Mei Lin's heart wavered between conflicting desires. Her thoughts drifted to Zhou Hua, the warmth of his embrace and the depth of his affection stirring a longing within her that she couldn't ignore.Images of their shared moments flooded her mind-their laughter in the garden, their whispered conversations under the stars. Zhou Hua's gentle touch and unwavering support had become a source of comfort and solace in her life, his presence filling her with a sense of belonging she had never known before.But as she stood there, pinned against the wall by Li Wei's relentless hold, another part of her yearned for something more-a passion and intensity that only Li Wei seemed able to ignite. His words were like a siren's song, drawing her in with promises of forbidden pleasure and excitement.In that moment of uncertainty, Li Mei Lin felt torn between two worlds, each offering a different kind of love and fulfillment. Her heart ached with the weight of her indecision, torn between the safety of familiarity and the allure of the unknown.But deep down, she knew that no matter which path she chose, there would be consequences. The bonds of friendship would be tested, and hearts would inevitably be broken. And as she stood there.
With a sudden clarity, Li Mei Lin's inner turmoil subsided, her heart finding solace in the truth of Zhou Hua's words. She realized that Li Wei's advances were nothing more than a facade, a fleeting temptation that would ultimately lead to heartache and disappointment.In that moment of realization, Li Mei Lin's resolve hardened, her determination unwavering as she pushed against Li Wei's hold. With a strength born of conviction, she freed herself from his grasp, her eyes blazing with defiance as she met his gaze."I won't be fooled by your empty promises, Li Wei," she declared, her voice ringing out with authority. "I know what you're up to, and I refuse to be a pawn in your game."Li Wei's face contorted with frustration as he realized that his attempts to sway her had failed. He recoiled slightly, his eyes narrowing with resentment as he watched Li Mei Lin stand her ground."You'll regret this, Li Mei Lin," he hissed, his voice laced with venom. "You think you're so clever, but you'll see-I always get what I want in the end."But Li Mei Lin remained unmoved, her determination unwavering as she turned away from him, her heart filled with the certainty of her decision. She knew that choosing Zhou Hua may not be without its challenges, but she also knew that their love was worth fighting for-no matter what obstacles stood in their way.With a sense of peace settling over her, Li Mei Lin walked away from Li Wei, her steps guided by the strength of her convictions. And as she left him behind, she felt a sense of liberation wash over her, knowing that she had chosen the path of true love over the allure of false promises.

**TIME SKIP(again)**

As the rain poured relentlessly outside, Li Mei Lin's mother heard a faint knocking on the door, the sound echoing through the quiet of the evening. With a curious frown, she made her way to the door and swung it open, revealing Li Wei standing on the doorstep, drenched and disheveled.Her heart went out to him at the sight of his sodden form, his clothes clinging to him like a second skin. "Poor boy, what are you doing here, young man?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.Li Wei hesitated for a moment, his expression a mixture of vulnerability and uncertainty. "There's been an accident at home," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I was wondering if I could stay here for tonight?"Without hesitation, Li Mei Lin's mother opened the door wider, inviting Li Wei inside with a warm smile. "Of course," she said kindly, gesturing for him to come in out of the rain. "You're welcome to stay as long as you need."Li Wei's face softened with gratitude as he stepped over the threshold, the warmth of the house enveloping him like a comforting embrace. And as Li Mei Lin's mother closed the door behind him, she couldn't help but feel a sense of compassion for the troubled young man standing before her, his presence a reminder of the fragile nature of life and the importance of extending kindness to those in need. As Li Mei Lin's mother ushered Li Wei inside, a sense of déjà vu washed over her when another knock echoed through the house. With a puzzled furrow of her brow, she made her way to the door once more, opening it to reveal Zhou Hua standing on the doorstep, his clothes soaked from the relentless downpour.Concern etched her features as she took in his appearance. "What's wrong, Hua?" she inquired, her voice filled with worry.Zhou Hua hesitated for a moment, his gaze meeting hers with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. "Something came up at home, and... can I stay?" he asked, his voice faltering slightly.Li Mei Lin's mother nodded understandingly, her heart going out to the troubled young man before her. "Of course," she replied reassuringly. "You're always welcome here."As Li Mei Lin emerged from her room, her curiosity piqued by the commotion, she found herself face to face with Li Wei and Zhou Hua, both dripping wet from the rain. "Mom, what are they doing here?" she asked, her confusion evident in her voice.But her mother simply hushed her with a gentle gesture, a knowing smile playing at her lips. "Just bring them some water, dear," she said softly, her eyes twinkling with hidden meaning.With a shrug of resignation, Li Mei Lin complied, fetching glasses of water for her unexpected guests. As she handed them each a glass, she couldn't help but wonder what had brought them both to her doorstep on this rainy night. Little did she know their presence would unravel a series of events that would change their lives forever. Mei's mom went to sleep as she was tired as heck leaving the 2 man and the girl alone, Hua got up and left the living room and went to one of the spare rooms. Wei did the same and left Mei alone, Mei also got up and went to her room!

In the hushed stillness of the late night hours, Li Mei Lin lay in bed, her thoughts swirling with unease and uncertainty. The events of the day weighed heavily on her mind, casting a shadow over her thoughts as she drifted in and out of a fitful sleep. Suddenly, the door to her room creaked open, and Li Mei Lin's heart skipped a beat as Li Wei slipped inside, his presence a ghostly apparition in the dim light of the room. Fear prickled at the edges of her consciousness as he approached her bed, his movements slow and deliberate. As he settled beside her, Li Mei Lin tensed, her breath catching in her throat as she watched him with wary eyes. "Wei, what are you..." she began, her voice trailing off as he silenced her with a finger pressed to her lips. "I told you, Li Mei Lin," Li Wei murmured, his voice low and husky. "I always end up getting what I want." Li Mei Lin's heart pounded in her chest as his words washed over her, a chill creeping down her spine at the intensity of his gaze. She knew she should push him away, knew she should resist his advances, but a part of her couldn't help but be drawn to him-the danger and excitement of the forbidden allure. But as she looked into Li Wei's eyes, she saw something there that sent a shiver down her spine-a darkness lurking beneath the surface, a hunger that threatened to consume her whole. In that moment, she realized the true extent of his intentions, and fear gripped her heart like a vice. With a trembling voice, Li Mei Lin spoke, her words barely above a whisper. "Wei, please," she pleaded, her eyes pleading with him to stop. "This isn't right. We can't..." But Li Wei silenced her with a kiss, his lips crushing against hers with a force that stole her breath away. And as she struggled against him, a sense of dread washed over her, knowing that no matter how hard she fought, she was powerless to escape the grip of his obsession.

In the dimly lit room, the air heavy with tension, Li Mei Lin found herself pinned against the wall, Li Wei's hands roaming freely over her trembling form. His lips trailed a path of fire along her neck, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake, while his breath hot against her skin sent shivers down her spine."Li Mei Lin," Li Wei murmured, his voice husky with desire as he leaned in closer, his gaze smoldering with intensity. "You can't resist me, can you?"But Li Mei Lin's heart hammered in her chest as she pushed against his chest, her voice trembling with defiance. "Stop it, Wei," she pleaded, her words barely a whisper as she struggled against his hold. "This isn't right."Li Wei's lips curled into a predatory smile as he tightened his grip, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "Oh, but it feels so right, doesn't it?" he whispered, his voice dripping with seduction as he leaned in to capture her lips in a bruising kiss.But Li Mei Lin fought against the overwhelming tide of desire that threatened to consume her, her mind racing with the memory of Zhou Hua's unwavering love and devotion. With a surge of strength born of determination, she pushed against Li Wei's chest once more, her voice ringing out with a newfound resolve."No, Wei, stop" she said her voice barely above a whisper "You don't tell me what to do Mei," he took off her clothes and his, Mei closed her eyes as she didn't want to experience this at least not now. "Now you're going to relax and let me do my thing." "No!" "Well too bad darling~" he said his voice filled with desire and lust. He unbuckled his belt and inserted his Shaft into her entrance "Aghh~ no! stop Wei" "ngh~...Just let me do my thing Mei~"
In the hushed stillness of the room, Li Mei Lin's heart raced with uncertainty as she found herself entangled with Li Wei on the bed, his hands roaming over her trembling form. But before she could protest, the door burst open, and Zhou Hua stormed into the room, his eyes wide with disbelief and hurt."Really, Mei..." Zhou Hua's voice was laced with betrayal as he took in the sight before him, his heart shattering into a million pieces. "I thought you loved me. You gave me a chance to prove to you that I love you, and now you're here with Wei?"Tears welled up in Zhou Hua's eyes as he turned away, unable to bear the sight of the woman he loved in the arms of another. With a heavy heart, he stumbled out of the room, his footsteps echoing in the silence as he disappeared into the darkness.Li Mei Lin's heart clenched with guilt and remorse as she watched Zhou Hua leave, her own eyes brimming with unshed tears. With a trembling hand, she pushed Li Wei away, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to find the words to explain."This... this isn't what it looks like, Hua," she stammered, her voice choked with emotion. But Zhou Hua's retreating figure offered no solace, leaving her alone with the weight of her mistakes.With a heavy sigh, Li Mei Lin dressed quickly, her heart heavy with regret as she turned to Li Wei, her voice filled with resolve. "You need to leave," she said firmly, her eyes meeting his with a steely gaze. And with a smug smile, Li Wei complied, disappearing into the night without a backward glance, leaving Li Mei Lin to face the consequences of her actions alone.


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