Chapter Six

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As we walked across the field I looked over at her as she removed her glasses and slipped the case back into her bag while pulling her jacket tightly around her.

"Are we always going to study outside?" Kiera asks peering over at me as she pulled out her key for her bike, spinning it around her finger as she moved.

"Well we can't study at my apartment it's a bit much, and I'm not going to suggest your house without your permission to do so," I say, "so if we do it'll be other places in school or nearby," I add and she nodded.

"My house is small and messy, you might be able to relate," she says and I nodded not really having the same concept of small as most people. A six thousand square foot childhood home, and three thousand square foot apartment weren't good basis for small. Normal small was typically a thousand or less square feet.

"Well I'm not one to judge, believe that or not," I say as we moved along the concrete path to the student lot.

"You're very odd Blackwell. I'm not sure what to think of you," Kiera says staring me up and down.

"Think what you want, I'm fine being odd," I say with a smile and curiosity covered her features.

"Good to know," she says though the words were spaced, like she herself wasn't very sure that was what she meant to say.

Climbing onto her bike, she started the engine, and I watched her pull on her gloves before pulling on her helmet and attempting to tie the bottom though the ends of her gloves made it overly difficult and she sighed in frustration. Moving to tear her gloves off I rolled my eyes while smiling softly.

"Look at me," I say and she did before I reached past her and did up the bottom of her helmet. "Tell me when it's tight enough," I add slowly tightening it until she nodded though her staring at me was odd, since it lacked all hostility.

"Thanks," she clipped and I gave a short nod.

"Don't mention it, ride safe," I bid turning and walking away while mentally cursing myself for the comment I left at the end, as if I cared.

Did I, I hope not, I'd never hear the end of it if the guys on the team heard it.

Rounding the school I walked across the field and through the trees before unlocking my truck and climbing in, while tossing my bag into the passenger footwell.

Starting the truck I sat and watched Kiera's bike roll slowly out to an exit from the parking lot and eventually after what seemed like an abnormally long time she left.

Watching her disappear I turned my lights on and drove off heading back towards my home I listened to music and tapped along to the beat of the music though I always seemed to listen to rock in my truck even if I was listening to indie before getting in.

Driving along the highway I lip synced as I navigated Seattle traffic though it was the four o'clock crowd coming home from work. The one thing I liked about my job was that it was evenings and I could do it from home where I had access to my laptop, dog, and chocolate dipped almonds and pretzels.

Getting back to my house I found my parking spot I angled myself properly before rolling back into my spot. Parking I grabbed my bag and climbed from the vehicle before walking off towards the elevator, locking my truck behind me.

As I walked towards the elevator I realized I had a text from Kiera and opened it to see what she said.


Thanks for the study session. It was kinda good to talk to someone. But tell anyone and I'll hunt you down.
Revieved 4:07

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