Chapter Forty-Eight

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Several hours later I climbed out of the hot tub and began to walk inside wrapping my towel around my waist. I had begun to fall asleep sitting in the hot tub, and I had noticed that many of my friends seemed to be not far behind on falling asleep.

Getting up to my room I immediately slunk into the bathroom to shower, and go to sleep. My mind however seemed to be wide awake and wandering as it often did, in an attempt to understand what exactly was it that made Kiera so special. I didn't really want to constantly be thinking about her, so that I could actually distinguish it from interest or obsession. I wanted to know the answer, and somehow it was driving me crazy.

Stripping off my clothes I laid down the mat and turned on the shower while looking out of the window towards the river and the distant lights of the houses across the river. Once the water was hot enough I stepped inside and began to wash away the chlorine from the hot tub and whatever else had accumulated on my skin through the day.

I also was planning to send off my book for publishing just before Christmas break begins so that I'll be able to have it published roughly by the time summer ends if things go well. Though being an editor for a publishing house did have it's benefits when it came to the success chance I had to speed up the process of getting it completed and sent off.

When I got out of the shower after who knows how long, the water had turned cold, and the steam that had filled the bathroom clung to the surface of the sauna style shower while I dried off. Pulling on boxers I ruffle dried my hair until I was sure it wasn't damp anymore and opened the bathroom door slowly, certain that no one else was awake, especially with it being near midnight.

Then I noticed the figure peeking through the door into my room on the far side of the room. With her hair messy and held up in a bun on top of her head Kiera looked around my near black room all while I crept across the room to where she  was still looking around trying to spot me.

"What are you doing glasses?" I ask from the other side of the door, eliciting a shriek from her that she tried to cover with her hands, before glaring at me.

"You motherfucker," she hisses, and I just smirked as I walked away from the door and turned the lamps on in my room.

"Why are you at my room at midnight Kiera?" I ask leaning against the bed while she looked around at the room which I was somewhat used to since it hadn't changed.

"I couldn't sleep, it's odd being in a large bedroom, though I can't imagine how you feel in here," she says crossing the room slowly to the window that was also the small sitting area I had in my room.

"Scott let me take this room because it faced the mountains, and I don't want to see other people," I say looking around the room though Kiera being here was still odd.

"I always liked seeing the mountains," Kiera hums turning back to face me and then looking down. "Also does that mean, you want me to go..." she trails off crossing her arms over her chest as if she wasn't wandering around in my sweater.

"You can sleep here with me, if you'd like?" I say and she nodded slowly.

"As long as I'm not bothering you. I like teasing you, but I don't want to be a pain," Kiera says and this time it was me who nodded, taking each of her hands and bringing them down to her sides slowly.

"Kiera, I wouldn't be offering if you were bothering me, and even if you were, I'd make it work," I tell her before gesturing to the bed, "get comfy".

Her movements were slow as if she was unsure which side she could have, when I planned to sleep on the floor. Watching her pull up the blankets I took a pillow and crossed the room to the sitting area to take out one of the extra blankets which I dropped on the floor.

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