Chapter Three: Why Is It Always Her?

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"Hope?! Have you seen my psychology book?" 16-year-old Joseph Mikaelson yelled as he tore apart his room

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"Hope?! Have you seen my psychology book?" 16-year-old Joseph Mikaelson yelled as he tore apart his room.

"No. But I think you had it in the library." Hope answered back to her 12 minutes younger twin.

Joseph hurried to the library and found his book. Walking past Hope's bedroom he said a soft "thank you."

Joseph quickly shut the door and locked it before removing the glamour spell that was on his book. It quickly transformed back into his grimoire.

You see, Hope could be a thief at times. So, Joseph having learned that Hope won't touch her psychology books put glamour spell on his grimoire so Hope can't take them. Kol thought the idea was ingenious and with the help of Davina made them unlocatable so Hope can't use a locator spell to find them.

When Joseph was 12, Elijah and Norman had him tested and found out he was a genius. He has an IQ of 168. 'That's why she's so bloody perceptive.' Norman had said at the time.

Joseph was writing a new spell in her grimoire when Hope burst into her room unannounced.

The glamour spell quickly went back in place before the book's true intentions were revealed to be his nosy sister.

"Whatcha doin?" Hope asked as she plopped herself to Hope's bed.

"Reading. What does it look like I'm doing?" Joseph asked sarcastically.

"Why do you read so much? You never have time for fun." Hope queried then told her twin.

"Because reading is fun for me. Anyways, what do you want?" The dark blonde questioned his sister.

"Mom said I could borrow one of your grimoire so hand one over." Hope said as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

"No." He replied quietly.

Hope was taken back by her brother. How dare he say no?

"Joseph. Give. Me. A. Grimoire. Now." Hope demanded through her teeth, the room started to shake from the firstborn's anger.

"They aren't yours. They belong me and I said no." The second-born practically snarled to his older sister. Joseph anger was making it start to storm outside.

Kol, Norman and Elijah were walking into the Abattoir when everything drastically changed and soon they running upstairs; Klaus and Hayley already at Joseph's room.

"What the hell is going on?" Norman asked watching the watching the twins who were still arguing.

"Joseph s being stubborn as usual." Hayley said as she also watched the first.

Elijah, Norman and Kol could see Joseph losing control as tears flooded into his eyes.

"Why do you always assume it's Joseph's fault?" Elijah questioned his brother who rolled his eyes.

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