Chapter Eleven: Benjamin

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Theodore signed

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Theodore signed. He was trying to do the spell to resurrect his uncle but was not having any luck.

Quinn was originally helping him but drained after three attempts. She was now watching from the couch as his nose began to bleed. "Teddy. Stop!" She said as he immediately began trying for the fifth time.

"I can't! I have to bring him back!" The boy protested as he wiped the blood from under his nose.

"You tried four times. Give it a rest for now. Uncle Ben is almost back. We'll ask for his help." The Jefferson girl pleaded with her younger brother.

He nodded, resigned.

Everyone else had gone out. Maxwell was with some friends. Robert were in the next town over looking for a bite to eat. Rose and Vin had gone into town to run some errands, and Benjamin was coming back after trying to locate the ascendant.

Rose and Benjamin had found out that one of their living descendants was in a prison world so they were on the hunt for the ascendant that kept him there.

They of course knew that it was Malachai Parker in there. They decided to give him a chance, something that no one had ever given him.

Quinn and Theodore had stayed home to work on resurrecting Finn.

"Hey peanuts! I'm home." Benjamin called as he walked into the house.

"In the living room Uncle Ben!" The two chorused back.

Benjamin as insisted that Theodore call him Uncle Ben. He had no idea how much it meant to the blonde that he was being welcomed and accepted into a family.

Robert could see the boy brightening every single day. He knew he still had his bad days, where his insecurities shined through but now he had more people behind him.

"What are you two doing?" Benjamin questioned the teens as he walked into the living room.

"Trying to bring back Finn. We had to take a break because we were drained." Quinn explained and Theodore tried to ready himself for the next attempt at the spell.

"How many times did you try?" Benjamin asked as he looked over the spell.

"I managed to get go three times before I was drained. This one here went four times and was about to go for a fifth before his nose started to bleed and I made him stop." Quinn answered her Uncle, both of them looking at the blonde in slightly concern.

"Well I have to bring him back. Uncle Kol and Uncle Elijah asked me to bring Uncle Finn back. I don't want to disappoint them." Theodore cried frustration that he couldn't bring him back.

"Hey, none of us could ever be disappointed in you. Especially not Kol or Elijah and the others in New Orleans. This is a big spell, the fact that you've gone through four attempts and haven't passed out is extraordinary. Let me help. A heretic and two tribrid should be able to create enough power." Benjamin soothed the frustrated teen.

Nodding, Theodore sighed. "Okay."

The three witch hybrids sat together on the floor with Finn's ashes spread in a line.

Joseph winced as he cuts his hand open and allowed his blood to drop onto the ashes. He quickly put a bandage on it before he grabbed hands with Quinn and Benjamin.

"You guys can back out now if you want." Theodore offered and they only gripped his hands tighter, unspoken agreement that they were going to see this through.

"Let's do this." Quinn said determinedly.

"Fian en che kanu! Fian en che kanu! Fian en che kanu! Fian en che kanu!" They chanted and watched as the spell began to work.

"It's working! Finish it, Theodore!" Benjamin
said as their nose began to bleed slightly.

"From ash to bone! From bone to flesh! FROM FLESH TO LIFE!" Joseph yelled as thy finally completed the resurrection spell.

The corporeal from of Finn Mikaelson was in front of them. Quinn and Benjamin called the others and told them they brought Finn back.

Benjamin ooked at Finn's body with curiosity. He was quite handsome there was no denying but he had heard that he loathed being a vampire and had a hard time accepting it. He hoped that with time they would be able to change his mind.

He had no more time to process these thoughts before he was practically tackled into a hug by a head of both blonds.

"Thank Uncle Ben. I don't think we would have been able to do this without you." Theodore cried as he and Quinn hugged the Heretic.

"You're very welcome. We should probably clean up before everyone else gets home." Benjamin replied laughing as the two teens groaned at the mention of cleaning.

As they began cleaning everything stopped when a sharp gasp was heard. The three's heads snapped in the direction of the living room where they saw a very awake and alive Finn Mikaelson looking around.

"Where am I?" Was the first thing out of The Original's mouth.

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