Chapter Two: As They Grow

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(Young Joseph) ⬆

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(Young Joseph) ⬆


At first, the changes were slight. You would never really notice if you didn't really pay attention.

As the siblings grew you could see who was clearly favored by a majority of their family. Hope as the firstborn was always praised while Joseph was usually left behind.

His Uncle Kol, Uncle Elijah, Uncle Norman and Aunt Davina along with Marcel and Robert had always been there for the second-born Mikaelson heir. He was very powerful witch that during times of extreme anger or sadness she could control the weather

Davina and Kol trained him and by the age of 7, he was extremely advanced in his magic studies. As much as Joseph loved the attention her was receiving from some of his family. There were two people he wanted it from the most. His mother and father.

Every chance he could, he tried to show them something that he had learned from his Aunt and Uncle they ignored him.

It broke the boy's heart because these are her parents. They were supposed to show her love, and they did show love, but only for Hope.

Joseph was always slightly envious of his sister.
Mainly because she was showered with love from their parents.

When Keelin became a more frequent face at the compound she also took notice of how Klaus, Hayley, Rebekah, Dean, and Freya always paid more attention to the firstborn.

Keelin made sure to spend time with the youngest who always appreciated his company. The ones who watched over Joseph noticed how intelligent he was and began to jot down every single thing he did.

They would later come to find out that their Greek Prince was a genius.

They all watched as Joseph slowly built a wall around himself. She wasn't the bright, bubbly, happy little boy they had grown used to seeing, and it hurt them. A lot.

They were determined to bring their sweet little Greek Prince back. It took them quite a while. But they managed to bring him back. They reassured him that they loved him and that was what mattered, but he still couldn't help but feel upset at the prospect of his other family members loving him.

For Mother's Day, he had decided she would give his mother and aunts something that would make them notice him.

On the morning of Mother's Day, he slipped into Hayley's bedroom and left a beautiful flower crown that he had made himself along with a card.

For his aunts, he made poems about them and painted them a portrait. It took him a month to paint the portraits.

For Davina and Keelin, he was quite nervous that they weren't going to like what he had gotten them.

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