Chapter Four: Meeting of the Minds

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"This is getting way out of hand

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"This is getting way out of hand." Marcel practically growled as he paced the room where those who care about Joseph were meeting.

"I agree, but what do we do?" Keelin queried. The werewolf had only been around the Mikaelson's since the siblings were 7 and she too had formed a deep emotional bond with Joseph.

"We do what's best for him. We have to get him out of New Orleans." Elijah decided. Everyone's head snapped in his direction pondering over the thought.

"That's not a bad idea. How can we get her out though?" Norman agreed but then questioned.

"I can do it."Robert answered after having a conversation in his head.

When no one looked convinced they both signed. "I'm his best friend, I think if I tell him the plan he will be more adept to go." Robert began "And you all can't leave it will look too suspicious. If I leave with him, no one would bat an eye." Robert finished.

"Surprisingly, pretty boy are right. He would be the only way to get him out." Kol admitted, ignoring the 'hey!' That came from Robert when he called him names.

While Davina, Norman, Elijah and Keelin seemed convinced, Marcel was the only who remined concerned. He was worried about his adopted son. If any of the other Mikaelson's caught them taking Joseph out of the city, they would be killed.

"I don't know...what if something goes wrong?" Marcel voiced his concern.

"Marcel I'll be fine. I know how to sneak around. I can protect JT. He's practically I'm brother. No one would think any wiser." He said.

"I still hate when you do that." Marcel muttered, albeit teasingly. He laughed and nodded.

"So now that, that's settled. How do we tell Greek Prince? And how do we get all of his stuff out without a moving van?" Elijah asked.

"We'll all explain it to Joseph when everyone else leaves the abattoir. I taught him a spell to extend the bottom of things. So we would only need his suitcase and that would hold all of his stuff. We'd have to sneak him out during the night and use the guise of her staying at a friend's." Davina explained the plan.

The seven people in the room were in agreeance.

They were going to get Joseph Theodore Mikaelson away from his 'family' and they were going to do it soon.

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