Fire and Flames🥀

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I couldn't believe I got out. My house was on fire, the heat radiating off and onto me. I heard the screams and cries of my family members. Tears streamed down my face as I laid on the ground, barely breathing and burned. My uncle Peter had pushed me out before I got too hurt, but he got trapped. I picked my weak 10 year old body up off the ground as much as I could and struggled to crawl away from the flames.

I saw someone running away in the distance. The someone who set my house on fire. I wanted to get up and run after them, but my strength was taken away. it was dark, I couldn't see much. I worried if something had happened to Derek and Laura. what If the person who started the fire, had other people, people who were after them? My mind raced with thoughts. I was scared, terrified. I couldn't do anything to help. I wasn't able to heal as fast as my other family members.

I soon heard sirens from the distance, I was saved, though I knew my family wasn't. I sat up against a tree, my legs curled up to my chest. I saw arms trying to claw out of the house, one by one, the arms fell. the screams and cries got quieter and quieter by the minute, until there were no sounds left except the sounds of flames and siren. The sirens got closer and closer, then they had stopped right next to me. I looked over and saw firetrucks, police cars, and ambulances.

I sat there, unable to move. Smoke had affected my vocal cords so I was unable to yell for help. Deputy Stilinski found me a few minutes later, he quickly brought me over to a paramedic. Police came over and asked me questions. I couldn't tell them much. I didn't know how or where it started, I didn't see or know who did it, and I don't know who else survived or got out. Another car showed up, Laura's car. Derek and Laura climbed out. I could see their tears glistening. They looked around. Their eyes found me and they instantly ran over.

They also asked me questions, but more about my well being. I could tell they weren't trying to cry in front of me, but they couldn't hold back their feelings. Firefighters had run into the house to see if anyone was alive. we waited eagerly, hoping to see someone come out alive. Hoping to run into their arms and hug them. 10 minutes passed, feeling as if it was an hour, they came out, carrying a body. as they got closer, the better I could see who it was.

Uncle Peter. His face was burnt and he seemed as if he wasn't even breathing. They got him into another ambulance and quickly drove off, their sirens burning my ears. We didn't see anyone else come out alive. They were all gone. I cried into Laura's chest as she hugged both me and Derek tightly. She herself was sobbing. I couldn't blame her.

Laura was unqualified to take care of both me and Derek, as she lived off our parents money and house. Officers had brought us into the police station. They took Derek and Laura in for questioning. A lady came and talked to me, she said she was with Social Services. Her name was Dr Holden. She explained to me that I'd be separated from Laura and Derek. Which made me even more upset. I was allowed to say my goodbyes to Derek and Laura then she buckled me up in her car and drove me to a building. I was going to stay there for the night while they find people to take care of me.

I laid in the bed they gave me. I couldn't fall asleep. All I saw were the flames, my family trying to scratch their way out. That night was sleepless. In the morning, Dr Holden came in. "Hi, sweetheart. I have some very nice people waiting outside for you. You'll be staying with them for a while." She said in a nice, friendly voice. I walked out the door and saw a woman and a man. They looked as if they didn't want to be there.

They brought me to their home, which was completely trashed. it smelt disgusting and it was clearly not kid friendly. they showed me my room and slammed the door. it was just a mattress with a pillow and blanket. I hesitantly sat down and sighed. This was my life now.

Foster Care signed me up for school. I was nervous, I was always homeschooled because of my different abilities. I stumbled into class. The teacher greeted me, she seemed very nice. Her name was Mrs Williams. She explained the basics to me before introducing me to the class. "Good morning everybody! Today we have a new student! Her name is Scarlett Booker, say hi everyone!" she says. I was confused, my last name wasn't Booker? I heard everyone say hello in a monotone.

Mrs Williams showed me a seat next to a boy in the back. I fiddled with my fingers as I sat down. The boy was visibly nervous as well. Mrs Williams gave me a morning work packet and left me to work on the page for today. Kids were talking to one another. suddenly, I heard a quiet voice next to me. "uhm.. hi.." I turn towards the sound. It was the boy next to me.

"My name is Stiles." He speaks again. He tries to give me a confident smile but fails miserably. "Hi, nice to meet you, Stiles." I say in a quiet voice as well, smiling back. "do you need any help with the packet?" Stiles asks. I look back at the packet. I already did everything in this, but I wanted to keep talking to him. "if you don't mind?" I say, turning back to him. He smiled and started explaining the questions to me.

hours later, the teacher said to line up as it was time for PE. I lined up behind stiles and we walked out the door and to the gym. Kids got in groups as I was held back to talk to the teacher. they explained some things then pointed to a group. I walked over, Stiles was there. I smile and sit close to him. He saw me and smiled back.

"Scott, this is Scarlett." Stiles introduces me to his friend, even though he's also in our class. We make conversation, they both point to people in the group explaining things about them. Then we stop at a strawberry blond haired girl. She was very pretty. "That's Lydia." Scott starts. "the most beautiful thing to walk this earth." Stiles says, daydreaming. I laugh at him.

Lydia feels eyes on her and turns towards us. Scott and Stiles look away but I keep looking, making eye contact. I give her a sweet smile and she smiles back. It wasn't like a mean, fake smile, but a welcoming smile.


Over time, Stiles, Scott and I had gotten really close. I'd always spend time at one of their houses. They knew I was in foster care, they knew about my bad home situation. I found out why Mrs Williams had said my last name was Booker. Both police and social workers thought it was best if I changed my last name so I wouldn't be bothered by crazies.

I met Stiles' dad, again. It was Deputy Stilinski. He made sure no one knew I was a Hale, for mine and Stiles' safety. I also met Scott's mom. I knew his dad was a bad person. Melissa was so very nice, she was the best cook and always took care of me when I spent the night.

I also got very close with Lydia. When I wasn't hanging out with Stiles and Scott, I was hanging out with Lydia. Her mom was very caring. She told me I could talk to her whenever I felt like it. Natalie, her mom always took me to the center Uncle Peter was staying at so I could see him. He was in a coma and it didn't seem as if he was getting any better.

2 years after the fire, Noah Stilinski got promoted to Sheriff. I was 12 at the time. Over those 2 years, I had switched between 3 foster homes, all terrible. I grew very independent. When I was home, I cooked my own food, went to the store, cleaned up around the house, things adults should be doing. When I turned 14, before school started. Noah had me meet up with a judge to decide if I could live alone.

All, Noah, Melissa, and Natalie signed papers that they would check on me every week to see how I'm doing, drop of groceries, and other things. Foster care even pitched in and got me an apartment in the school range. Through the years, I collected money so when I'm old enough and I have a license, I could get a car without anyone having to buy me one.

Finally, I turned 16. it was the night before school started again after Winter Break...


AN: I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it wasn't apart of the show but I knew I had to put in some background context. I wont be updating a lot since I still have school and I sometimes I get my electronics taken away, but I will try to! love you guys 🥀

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