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Park Seo Jun was walking with his friends, Cheonsang and Gyeon-su, until two girls came into sight, Onjo and I-tak. Onjo bumped into Cheongsan, making his phone drop.

"damn, my phone!". cheongsan says picking up his phone from the ground. 

"Let's go get some chicken". On-Jo says handing her bag to Cheongsan. 

"But we're not open yet". Cheongsan says. 

"Sure you are. Your mom says she's testing a new recipe today". OnJo says making Gyeon-Su slap CheongSan's arm. "You guys will go right?" Gyeon-Su nods his head rapidly and smiles while Seo Jun shakes his head. 

"I can't go, I have to be home soon". Seo Jun says.

"Why your parents are not even here?" OnJo says 

"Exactly, somebody has to take care of the house, but you guys should save me some and bring me some tomorrow, please". Seo Jun says smiling at all of them, before waving bye and walking away.


SeoJun walks into school, he walks to school every day when his parents aren't there and walks back to school too. 

He gets into his class, putting his stuff down on his chair which was in the back next to Bare-Su before walking over to Choi Namra. He taps her on the shoulder. Signaling for her to take off the headphones. 

"Good Morning Prez". Seo Jun says bowing down a bit before walking away. 

He goes up to his friends, all laughing at him. "Seriously, when are you going to get through that the prez only cares about her studies". Cheongsan says ruffling the taller boy's jacket. 

"Aish, don't mess up my jacket". Seo Jun says pushing CheongSan playfully then fixing his jacket. 

"Hey, I could've gone for your hair". Cheongsan says pointing at him. 

"I would've punched you if you did that". Seo Jun says smiling with Cheongsan. "Where is your backpack, let me guess OnJo has it". SeoJun says guessing as Cheongsan nods. 

"Hey!". Onjo calls out for Cheongsan throwing his backpack at him. "SeoJun, here". OnJo says taking out from her backpack a bag".

 "What's this?". SeoJun says standing in front of her now, grabbing the bag.

"It's the chicken you asked for". OnJo says

SeoJun jaw drops. Hugging OnJo. 

"You brought me my chicken". SeoJun says letting her go. "I owe you one OnJo". SeoJun smiles and says taking his bag to the back. 

"Hey!". Nayeon yells making SeoJun walk over to the group of boys standing next to Su-Hyeok. "Get off of there. You stink". Nayeon says making Seo Jun chuckle a bit. 

"What's the big deal? Sorry". Gyeon-Su says getting off and wiping the desk. 

Nayeon grabs her bag that hits Gyeon-Su's arm"Cut it out! You're so dirty". 

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮; 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now