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SeoJun is comforting Dae-Su with Wu-Jin. 

"Why?" Dae-Su cries, making SeoJun tear up again.

He feels a tap on his arm. It was Namra. He lets go of Dae-Su and Wu-Jin and gets away from them a bit

"Are you okay?" Namra asks SeoJun seeing the tears in his eyes.

"I'll be fine". SeoJun says with a sad smile. "Are you okay? 

Namra smiles a bit. "Why are you asking that?" 

"Because what you did took guts". SeoJun says. "You showed yourself and we need that if we want to survive". SeoJun says patting her shoulder. 


Everyone was in the room sitting down quietly, SeoJun and Su-Hyeok were the only two standing. Both standing next to Wu-Jin.

"I didn't hear anything at all". Cheongsan says breaking the silence. "I just couldn't hear anything". He adds.

"What do you mean?" SeoJun asks in a calm tone.

"I mean after Na-yeon went out..". Cheongsan starts saying. "and then Miss Park went after her. I didn't hear anything after that?" 

"You mean screaming?" Su-Hyeok asks

"Yeah". Cheongsan replies looking at Su-Hyeok.

"Maybe they didn't die, then. They wouldn't have been quiet if zombies were biting them". Dae-Su says

"Especially Nayeon". SeoJun adds. 

"They must be alive". Dae-Su suggests. Quiet fills up the room again.

"Why won't you respond?" Dae-Su says looking at the boys. "No one answers me. Im always talking to myself, SeoJun is the only one that listens". 

"I think you're right". OnJo says

"Forget it". Dae-Su says

"I didn't hear anything, either". OnJo says

"Me neither". Hyo-Ryung adds. "I was scared because I didn't know how I'd feel If I heard them screaming. But I didn't hear anything".

"Come to think of it, neither did I". Joon-Yeong adds

"Then I'm right. They're alive, right?" Dae-Su asks making Joon-Yeong nod. 

"Should she be alive?" Ji-min asks

"What do you mean?" Joon-Yeong asks

"She's a murderer". Ji-Min replies. "She killed Gyeong-Su and walked out of here on her own. Is it even right for her to be alive? Arent you all being fake?" 

"What about Ms. Park". Wu-Jin adds. "Should she have died too?"

"Is that our fault?" Ji-Min asks

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮; 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now