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Everyone was in silence, feeling sad for Ji-Min who just saw her parents as zombies. SeoJun was next to Joon-Yeong, who was still watching the drone screen, which still had the battery. 

He looked around, tired of watching the screen and seeing Namra stare at the window. He decides to go up to her, putting his hand on her shoulder and making her turn to look at him. He smiles a bit at the girl in front of him, breaking eye contact and watching the other students, mostly Ji-Min. 

"Are you tired?" SeoJun mouthed to Namra who nodded. "I want to talk to you later is that okay?" SeoJun said, leaning down to Namra's ear and making her nod. 

SeoJun walked away to join the rest of the boys. Ji-Min caught his attention when she stood up; he followed her silently, worried for the girl.

Ji-Min started going on top of the chair, making OnJo yell; SeoJun ran after the girl, whose grip was on the window frame.

"Ji-Min let go!" SeoJun yells, holding the girl's waist, not trying to hurt her. SeoJun feels the rest of the guys holding on to him, or her.

"Let me go!" Ji-Min yells. "Please!" 

SeoJun pulls back one time, making her let off the grip. SeoJun stumbles back, still holding on to her, and she tries to fight back.

"Please! SeoJun!" Ji-Min yells. 

SeoJun grabs onto her arm, forcing her to look at him. "Ji-Min stop!". He gently forces her to sit on the chair.

Ji-Min cries harder. "My mom and dad died. What am I supposed to do alone?" She looks up at SeoJun and starts crying more.

SeoJun grabs her arm forcing her up while she is still crying. He turns to OnJo, grabs her arm, and drags both of them to the broadcasting room. 

"Shell listen to you OnJo". SeoJun said whispering to OnJo, before closing the door.

"Was I too harsh?"SeoJun asked calmly to the group, who shook their heads.

"No, no, you did good". Dae-Su says, going up to him and putting his arm around him.

Dae-Su lets go of him, taking the paper from the window. SeoJun grabs him, sighing, taking him by his shirt. "Dont". SeoJun says shaking his head.

SeoJun leans himself to the counter. "I feel bad for her". He says making the group nod slightly. "And we can't tell her to do anything". SeoJun says to the group.

"Why not?" Dae-su asks confused.

"She lost both her parents; who wouldn't want to kill themselves after that," SeoJun says his voice breaking.

"We can't just let her kill herself". Wu-Jin adds

"But we can't tell her she be fine". SeoJun says turning to look at Wu-Jin

Namra walks past SeoJun, making him follow her with his head.

He sees her enter the broadcasting room, and he follows along after a few seconds. The smell of the room, makes him gag a bit. He watches as Namra clicks a button, making his ear hurt. He hears Dae-Su complain about the smell. SeoJun turns to look at him. 

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮; 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now