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Namra and SeoJun are still tied together; they are both in silence, watching outside.

OnJo made her presence with a camera in her hand. "You guys can leave a message as well if you want to". OnJo says having the camera out. SeoJun goes for it. 

"I don't know what I would say; I think I'm gonna pass," SeoJun says in a calm tone.  "You". He turns to Namra who shakes her head.

"We trust you". OnJo says making both their eyes look at her. "You can untie it now".

SeoJun leaves the camera on top of the desk. Namra grabbed it quickly after he put it down, holding it in her hand. 

She opens the camera and holds it in her hand to her face. She closes it looking down.

"SeoJun, I don't know why you're doing this". Namra says making SeoJun look at her.

"The others are scared". SeoJun says making Namra look up.

"And you're not scared?" Namra says looking at him.

"Mm-mm". SeoJun says shaking his head slightly.

"Why?" Namra asks.

"... Im just not". SeoJun answers looking at her.

"You know how I said I wanted to bite you earlier?" Namra asks him.

SeoJun nods slightly. "It's okay. It's in the past".

"It felt like I was dreaming. You were just giving off such a beautiful scent". Namra says breaking eye contact.

SeoJun tries his best not to make a joke. "What kind of scent?" He says still looking at her

"Im not sure". Namra says. "It was something that I had never smelled before.. All I could think about was eating you. How much I wanted to bite you. Bite you and eat you,". Namra says, making SeoJun gulp slightly. "I only thought.. Then I heard your voice suddenly saying... It was your voice that woke me up". Namra says looking at SeoJun. "You know you never called me by name. It was always 'Hey' or 'Prez'. It was the first time you said my name". Namra says, looking away; SeoJun gulps.

"I know". SeoJun says, looking away, making Namra turn to look at him. "I was afraid... if I said your name..". SeoJun stays in silence.

"What?" Namra says.

"That I will like you". SeoJun turns his head to her. He turns his head breaking the eye contact. "I never really paid much attention to grades; I mean I tried to pay attention in my class, thinking If I got good grades, it would be a way for me to talk to you, but I just couldn't bring myself to that. I wanted to impress you; you were the prez, the smart one, and I thought this could be my chance to prove it to you...". SeoJun says turning his head away from her.

There's a silence between them. 

"SeoJun". Namra calls out; SeoJun turns his head, looking at her and seeing the camera in her hand. "I like you".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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