Don't be late to the University!

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Henrik then flew up from perching, and revealed a not-so-nasty scratch on it. "Ой- Извини за ето.." [Izvinii za eto, Sorry about that..] "It's fine, nothing a little bit of wrapping and crafts can't fix, right дедушка?" I then reassured. "Да, I think I have a glove lying around somewhere for that." Дедушка answers. I then find it in one of his drawers before walking over to a bench he conveniently had lying around, and made a bird-proof glove, and
a sleeve in case he perches upon my shoulder/arm again. "Ах, спасибо." Henrik then chirps. "Is not a problem." I then say. "Looking good мой внук." Дедушка then compliments. I sat down and allowed Henrik to perch on my fist again. This time he didn't scratch the блин out of my hand again. [blin, technically a pancake, and euphemistic "damn", but used for "the hell out of" instead.] "Fits nicely, right?" Henrik questions. "Like a glove." I then say. "So you want to seek the созвездие?" [sozvezdiye?, constellation?] Дедушка asks. "Да, how can I find it?" I then responded. "Oh.... you have to look far, far away. This е**ть doesn't come easy." [ye**t', f**k] Дедушка then says. "Buuut... It is still very visible. 1919 may be long gone, but he goes to the university we both went to!" Henrik says to lighten the mood. "So we find the position in the sky, find the stars, connect them together, and then Henrik rests?" I then ask in response. "I'm not sure, do birds just disappear like сказки I read when I was young?" [skazki, fairy tales] Дедушка then asks. "There's only one way to find out." Henrik replies. "It should be in the same position we left it when you tried to document the constellation. There should be some old notes from 1917, start there." Дедушка suggested. Henrik then points me in the direction of a drawer that he had conveniently labeled "Примечания." [Primechaniya, Notes] "Ай пиздец!" [pizdets!, numerous translations, dammit! in this case.] "Что? what happened?" I am then questioned by Дедушка. "Is all Исландский!" [Islandskiy!, Icelandic!] "Oh, yes! Haha.. When I was a young man, I wrote all my notes in Icelandic back then.."
Henrik fessed. "How did you talk with моя дедушка?" I then asked. "You see, I originally came from Iceland. ваш дедушка was born, and raised here." [vash, formal "your"] Henrik began explaining. "He taught me русскому. The thing he forgot was to teach me to write." [russkomu, accusative form of "Russian."] Henrik finished. "Well now what do I do?" I then pondered, unaware of Icelandic. "Uhh... Hey, друг луней do you have dictionary for внук луней?" Henrik then asked моя дедушка. "Second drawer I think." He replied. "Спасибо, found it." I said, pulling open the drawer, and viewing its contents. "Ой блин.." I then said, feeling as if I was going to have a headache. "What's wrong? Something not right?" Henrik questioned. "This might take hours to decipher, you sure you don't still speak it?" I asked in attempt to save myself the headache. "Hmm.. Only a little bit. I'm very rusty with that language ever since I moved here long ago when I was very young." Henrik then said. "That should suffice. Come along Henrik. Your going to meet the faculty! ..If they let you stay, of course." I then said. "Oh yeah, can I take the notes with me, дедушка? I'll return them when I'm done." I asked, not wanting to accidently rob him. "Sure! keep them even!" He answered back. "Okay, Спасибо, и до свидания!" I then shouted, before running off to catch the bus. "До свидания!" Моя дедушка then shouted back, as I closed the door and ran.

With the 2 friends reacquainted, Artiom really seems to be getting somewhere with this constellation problem! Now comes the hard part: Getting Henrik approved for research purposes.

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