Jamesina "Jamie" Potter (twin 2)

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Name: Jamesina Lily Dorea Potter

Hair: dark red

Eyes: stormy blue

Age: 10

Birthday: August 15, 1981

Birthplace: Godric's Hollow, West Country of England

Species: Halfblood

Home: Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging

School: Sunnyvale Primary School (formerly), Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry



Family: Lily (mother), James (father), Petunia (maternal aunt), Vermont uncle by marriage), Euphemia and Fleamont (paternal grandparents), Dorea and Charlus (paternal great grandparents), Sirius (godfather), Dudley (oldest cousin), Magdalena (older cousin), Samaria (older sister ) Jacques (older brother, twin), Leilani (younger sister)

Friends: Samaria (older sister), Jacques (older brother, twin), Leilani (younger sister), Magdalena (older cousin), Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley

Bestfriend(s): Jacques (older brother, twin), Magdalena (older cousin), Ginny Weasley

Nickname: Jamie, Sina



Dislikes: Voldemort, Prof. Snape, bullies


Personality: loyal, protective, adventurous, intelligence, responsible, rebellious, considerate, clear-headed, calm, benevolent, athletic, hard-working,



Magical Abilities: Metamorphmagus, Zoolingualism, plant whisper (


Mental Health:

Zoolingualism is the ability to communicate with animals or the study of animal language. It is not a well-established field of study in the scientific community and there is no definitive evidence that humans can communicate with animals in the same way that we communicate with each

• A plant whisperer is someone who actually stands very close to plants, large and small, vegetables, flowers and trees, who has an instinctive empathic relationship with them, and very quietly and gently by whispered words of encouragement, and light stroking of their leaves, promotes them to flourish. She's natural good with growing plants, because of that the Dursleys forced her to work on the the garden with Maggie's help.

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