Leilani "Lani" Potter

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Name: Leilani Rose Euphemia Potter

Hair: dark red

Eyes: emerald green

Age: 8

Birthday: October 10, 1983

Birthplace: Godric's Hollow, West Country of England

Species: Halfblood

Home: Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging

School: Sunnyvale Primary School (formerly, graduated), Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (future)

House: Ravenclaw


Family: Lily (mother), James (father), Petunia (maternal aunt), Vermont uncle by marriage), Euphemia and Fleamont (paternal grandparents), Dorea and Charlus (paternal great grandparents), Sirius (godfather), Dudley (oldest cousin), Magdalena (older cousin), Samaria (oldest sister ) Jacques (older brother, twin 1), Jamesina (older sister, twin 2)



Nickname: Lani, Leila, Lei Lei, Little Red (the Weasleys twins)



Dislikes: Voldemort, Prof. Snape, bullies


Personality: loyal, protective, adventurous, iintelligent, responsible, rebellious, considerate, clear-headed, calm, benevolent, athletic, hard-working, understanding



Magical Abilities: Empath, Animagus (natural born), Occlumency (natural born), Legilimency (natural born)


Mental Health:

• An empath is someone who feels the emotions of another. This power is common in children who are already very perceptive of the world and people around them.

• She born as a Animagus, she turned into a arctic fox with beautiful emerald green eyes

• She turned into her animagus form when she was only 5, but she normally control her magical abilities most of the time

Occlumency was a necessary prerequisite to defeat a Legilimens's lie-detector abilities without suspicious behaviour such as avoiding face-to-face contact. Legilimency is the magical ability to read minds. She always knows the Dursleys lying to her and her siblings about something but only her siblings and her cousin Maggie knows about her abilities.

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