Magdalena "Maggie" Dursley

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Name: Magdalena Petunia Dursley

Hair: dirty blonde

Eyes: watery blue

Age: 10

Birthday: July 22, 1981

Birthplace: Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging

Species: Muggleborn

Home: Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging

School: Sunnyvale Primary School (formerly), Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

House: Hufflepuff


Family: Petunia (mother), Vermon (father), Lily (maternal aunt, deceased ), James (uncle by marriage, deceased), Marge (paternal aunt), Dudley (older brother), Samaria (oldest cousin), Jacques (younger cousin twin 1), Jamesina (younger cousin twin 2), Leilani ( youngest cousin)

Friends: Samaria (younger cousin), Jacques and Jamesina (younger cousin, twins), Leilani (youngest cousin), Hermione Granger,

Bestfriend(s): Jamesina (younger cousin), Hermione Granger

Nickname: Maggie, Lena



Dislikes: Voldemort, Prof. Snape, bullies, her parents and brother,

Sexuality: bisexual

Personality: loyal, protective, adventurous, intelligence, responsible, rebellious, considerate, clear-headed, calm, benevolent, athletic, hard-working, manipulative (only towards her parents),



Magical Abilities: none


Mental Health:

• She's different from her brother and parents

• She's nicer to her cousins by letting sure they have something to eat, she also secretly buy them a birthday and Christmas present for them each and her cousins does the same since she treat them I'm better than her parents and brother

• She, Jamie and Leilani act more like sisters think cousins always there for her little cousin protect her from bullies, especially her brother

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