Chapter 6

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Anne pulled something out of her pocket, well actually she pulled a few things out of her pocket seeing as there were five.

"Boarding passes," Kate read, "For..... France! Oh my gosh! Are we going to France?"

"Yes," Anne replied, "We're going in two weeks because your spring break is conveniently right then. But this trip isn't just for fun. We are going there for our mission."

"Wait. If we are going there to save the world from whatever we're saving them from, why are we waiting for two weeks to go?" I asked, "The world could be taken over in two weeks!"

"Education is important," Anne replied.

Really? Let's just postpone the end of the world for two weeks so that we can wait until we're on break so that we don't miss a day of school. But now that I think about it, I might need two weeks just to convince my parents to let me go to Paris without any parental supervision. I mean technically Anne could be considered supervision because she's older than all of us, but parents have a strange way of thinking.

The whole time that this was going through my head, Anne had been talking about what we needed to do. I was partially listening to what she was saying, but it wasn't very interesting. Me not listening might be the reason that I am always the one that either gets us in trouble or almost compromises the mission.

Eventually Anne signed and gave up trying to tell us whatever she had started to say because Kate was still too excited, Matt and Lex had started thumb wrestling, and I obviously had just tuned out the whole thing. But she smiled and said, "As you all seem too busy to actually listen to what I'm saying, I'll just tell you during the next meeting. But what I really need you to listen to right now is that you all need to go home and convince your parents to let you go. If I absolutely have to I'll help convince them but I would rather you do it on your own as I have a lot to prepare for this trip." With that she got up, reminded us that we had to meet her in a couple days, and left.


"But why not?" I asked probably hundredth time that night, exasperated.

"Because," my mom said, "It's not that we don't trust you, but what kind of parents would we be if we shipped you off to a foreign country without any adult supervision?"

"Not to mention how expensive it would be," my dad chimed in.

"Well Anne is technically an adult." Or at least I think so. "And she already bought the tickets. It's not like I'm going to do anything illegal in France!" Or at least I didn't think I would be. I really should have listened while she was briefing us.

"Our answer is still no honey," my mom answered for the both of them.

I was desperate now. "What if you go with me?" I said cringing. My parents looked at each other.

"We'll discuss it. You can go now," they said dismissing me.

I really hoped that they would decide that they did not really need to come and that I could go but I knew that there would have to be some sort of compromise. I called Anne and told her about my predicament.

"Well if they won't let you go by yourself, try to only get one of them to come. We can keep them distracted for the day while we're working."

"But what if they both insist on coming?"

"Then do what you need to. Just make sure that you are able to go."

We talked for a little more then I hung up. About twenty five minutes after, my mom walked into the room.

"Your father and I talked more about what you asked us. While we were talking, your friend called." She paused and seemed to rethink whatever she was about to say. Thinking about if she really wanted to or not. Finally after a painstakingly long pause (okay it was probably only about thirty seconds long) my mom spoke again.

"We have decided that you can go to France with your friends during spring break." I started to break into my happy dance. "But," she continued which caused me to automatically freeze. This could not be good. "Your father and I only agreed to let you go because you friend called like I said before, and she said that one of us could chaperone your guys' trip because she had an extra ticket. So I'm coming with you."

As I thought about it, I figured that it could have been worse seeing as I had been the one to offer for my parents to come on the trip with us. "Awesome mom!" I feigned enthusiasm because she seemed almost as excited as Kate had been except my mother was a little better at concealing it.

"Yep. We should probably start packing sometime next week but have everything we need this week," she started muttering to herself after flashing me a smile and walking out of the room. I went back to writing the story I was working on.


The next two weeks flew by without much excitement. I packed for the trip and made sure I didn't get in trouble so that I would not have to stay after school and be late for our meetings. At the meetings we went over what we were to be doing, the people we were to meet there for further information, and what to do in case of certain scenarios that Anne said should not happen but speaking hypothetically she said it would be good to go over the procedures. There also was the problem of how we would be getting some of the equipment we would need through airport security.

"Obviously we cannot go marching through the metal detectors or put our bags through the x-Ray checker with some of the things we might need to fight the... whatever they are called." We were still at a loss for a word to call them. "I was thinking of sending the stuff ahead of us so it will be with the people we're staying with when our plane arrives."

"Oh yes. That'll work very well to send a bunch of daggers and swords through the mail," Kate said sarcastically. "How exactly would we do that? You do know that they check packages in the mail too."

"Well I know that," Anne says to her. "There is more than one way to send something ahead of you."

"Well then how?"

"In a couple of days, one of the people who is working with us, who also happens to be able to fly a plane, will be making a pit stop at our airport in a few days. He says we can store stuff on his plane and he'll take it back to the headquarters where we'll be in week from now.

I went on with life until the day we were to leave. My mom rushed us to the airport bright and early. After going through all of the boring stuff you have to every time you go on a plane through the airport, we made our way over to the gate. Everyone else was already there. Anne had headphones plugged in her ears, Kate was drinking some drink from the Starbucks I had passed on the way over, and Matt and Lex were playing on almost identical gaming devices.

They acknowledged me and I sat down along with my mom and started to read until the lady that worked at the airport said, "Everyone for the 10:00 flight to Paris, France in group A, please stand and you may board the plane."

We stood as she had asked, got to our seats, then went back to what we had been doing while waiting to get on only now we were waiting to take off. Soon enough we were in the air and on our ten hour nonstop flight to our mission. But for now as we were flying, I decided to get some sleep before arriving.

A/N: I am so sorry for taking so long to update. I've just been quite busy. Thank you guys that are still reading this for hanging in there with me. I will try to be better about updating and I think it will be easier right now because I got out of school a couple weeks ago so I don't have any homework that I will need to do in the afternoons so I can hopefully (if I'm not too lazy) use that extra time to write some more.

Anyways, what do you all think is going to happen in Paris? I know it's been a little boring, but once they land I promise it will get better. I just had to kind of get them there you know? Anyway please vote for the story of you are liking it, and if you aren't already, please follow me.

Also I would love it if you would leave a comment telling me what you think and if there is anything you think I should improve on in my writing. That would be so awesome so that I know what I should fix for the readers. You. This is a really long author's note so I'll end here. Until next time!

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