Chapter 2

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The first person I see when I walk into the meeting is Anne. She's wearing the usual tank top, cargo pants, and messy bun. Did I mention she also has that you're late look on her face. Sitting around her are Kate, Mat, and Lex.

"Look who finally decided to show up," is the first thing out of her mouth when I step inside.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"Sorry is for the first time you are late maybe even the second or third. But when you are at your billionth time you might as well not say anything."


She nods and returns to whatever she was doing before I so rudely interrupted her.

"So we will enter though here. The object is stored over in one of these room around here."

As she is saying this, she points at something that might be a map. It honestly looks like a lot of squiggly lines with about half of them connecting.

I know that she'll kill me for asking but I have to because I have no clue what's going on.



If looks could kill, I would have died just now. I don't think I mentioned this but you probably could have guessed. Anne has this thing it's a bit more than a pet peeve more like a monster peeve about being punctual. I've been late countless times so she really get mad when I'm late.

"But before we even try to get that object, we need to go over here," she points somewhere else,"and destroy the computer that controls them all. That way they won't be able to send directions and their whole system will be chaos. That is when we strike."

My head is spinning from information overload. Especially because I have next to no clue what she is talking about.

"Anne? Now can you please explain what is happening to me? I won't be of any help if I don't know what's happening."

She seems to consider it for a while and finally says ok. She takes a deep breath and starts talking really fast, supposedly recapping the meeting, in at least five different languages. Anne has a diverse vocabulary.

Approximately ten minutes later she stops and asks me "Now do you understand the dire situation that we are in?"

"Why yes I do speak twenty languages." I say which earns me a large sigh.

" Just tell her what happened," she finally says with a slight smile.

The other three recap the part of the meeting that I missed. Nothing is too interesting until they get to the part about the map (a.k.a. the squiggly lines.)

They were talking about what we are currently fighting. These things that are terrorizing people in France. Apparently they have something that is super important and if it falls into the wrong hands, could result in the ending of the world.

Also someone in league with us let spill that there is some control computer that organizes groups of these things, sends orders, all that good stuff. If it's destroyed, the orders can't go out and they will be a mess until they find another form of communication. If the enemy is not organized, it is easier to get rid if them. (Why someone decided to tell a couple of teenagers this instead of someone like the FBI, I have no clue. But I'm not complaining.)

After the brief explanation I direct a question at Anne.

"So is our strategy like divide and conquer?"

"Yes!" Lex (the youngest member of our group) responds. "What exactly does that mean?"

"It was some war strategy old generals used a long time ago. We were learning about that in cla-"

"You mean you actually listened for once?" Kate asks practically dripping with sarcasm.

Yep. She's probably mad at me too because we were supposed to walk over together. But once she gets that out of her system she seems more at ease and not as mad. But then again, looks can be deceiving.


We finish the meeting at around 6:30 and Kate and I walk home together. We walk in silence until we get to my street and I turn.

"Bye, see you tomorrow." Kate says.

"Ok are we walking to school together tomorrow?" I ask.

"Ummm... I don't think I am tomorrow," she says looking at me a little funny. This comes as a surprise to me. Kate and I have walked together to school everyday since kindergarten.

"Why not?" I ask her but she is already halfway down the street.

That was weird I think to myself. I knew she was frustrated about us not walking together but I didn't think she was that mad.

I get to my house and go inside. Tonight it smells like some sort of fish. My mom has been taking culinary classes at the local college for about six months now and to be honest she's pretty good. When she finishes my mom hopes to work somewhere as a chef. Every night we have something that incorporates some technique or food she learned how to use that day.

After a quick hello, I go to my room to do homework. I easily finish English homework because I love reading and writing so anything to do with those things come almost naturally to me. Then I start on the math.

Dear whoever decided to put letters in math,
I am not very happy with you right now. Why would you do this? Math is like the science of numbers not numbers and letters.
Sincerely, stuck in my room for the past hour trying to do this craziness.

By the time I (finally) finish my homework it is time to eat. Tonight we are having fish in some sort of spicy sauce. Plus a little bit of bread on the side.

My family quickly finishes dinner and I excuse myself with the usual, "You really nailed it this time, Mom!"and retreat back into my room.

I start in on science homework but can't concentrate so just put it away (it isn't due until next Tuesday) and make a mental note to do it later.

Now I'll just tell you about some people and things that are making you very confused. Or maybe they are not, but either way you are going to hear this so sit back because I don't know how long this is going to take.


A/N  I hope that you liked this chapter and that you're excited for the next parts. If you like it please leave a comment, follow, and/or vote for The Blank Books! Also in not putting any pictures in the media part so if you want pictures there just let me know and I'll add them into my next updates! Bye!

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