Chapter 5

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As I ran towards the red that I saw had been shoved into a hole near the bottom of the wall, I tripped. At first I thought that I tripped on air and was really disappointed in myself, then I saw the near invisible string. It was very thin, but apparently strong enough to trip a person. As I tried to quickly get up, someone spoke.

"Turn around and don't make a sound. Say anything and I'll shoot you," the person behind me said in a hushed tone. They probably didn't want to alert the others on their position. As I turned I saw it was Kate that had one of the paint guns pointing at me.

"Follow me. Quietly," she said motioning for me to get up. As she started to walk, I contemplated my chances of getting away If I tried to make a run for it, but decided against it because I had no doubt that Kate could shoot me in the back before I even got ten feet away. We walked to a spot where a few barriers had been pushed around to make what seemed like a tiny cell without a roof. She marched me into it and pushed a wall back so that I was surrounded on all sides. "Don't call for help or make a lot of noise. If you do, I'll have to call Anne to deal with you."

I sat in my prison thinking.

The room that they had made was actually quite smart. It was made up of the same things as the walls that were everywhere else in the room so it didn't stick out too much. Also, it was absolutely tiny so it wasn't like there was one place that was completely different than everything else. You'd have to really pay attention to notice the difference.

Also when I was sitting, or rather standing as there wasn't enough space for me to sit in, I realized something else. Luckily for me Kate didn't take my gun that had been in my waistband. Someone opened up one of the walls and I stood ready. As soon as I caught a glimpse of who it was, I shot them with the little paintball gun I still had.

"Oomph!" The person grunted from the impact. "What the heck were you thinking? Oh, that's going to bruise." As they stepped back a little bit I saw that I had hit Matt with a paintball. "I," he said looking extremely annoyed,"am on your team."

"Sorry!" I said, "I thought that you were someone from the other team coming to move me or something. I don't really know. I just saw that someone was there and I guess I got a little excited."

"You think?" He hissed, "Now let's go before they notice that I came to take you back. Follow me."

We turned around to walk away from this place and almost ran smack into Kate who had taken a station right outside the opening of the room. "Did you really think that I would leave my prisoner unattended? Now both of you into the cell. Don't think about running unless you want to be shot again Matt. Now go."

We shuffled back into the makeshift prison which was even more uncomfortable now with two people in it.

"Sorry 'bout that," I mumbled, "Now our hopes of winning are riding on a twelve year old boy's shoulders and I doubt that he even knows it yet." I sighed. A few minutes of awkward silence passed, and ended when we heard a noise like someone was walking right outside of where we were sitting. Once again a wall was pushed away and I saw yet another person that was on my team-Lex. Unfortunately he wasn't the one who opened up the cell, so he was put into captivity with us.

Now we had nobody on our team out looking for the flag because we were hanging out in the little room. It crossed my mind that with three people, we probably could have overtaken Kate who was most likely outside by herself, but I happen to be too chicken to risk being shot which is probably the same reason that neither of the other people in close proximity with me suggested it either. Right before I was going to say, blast it all and let's just make a run for it because I'm tired of waiting here, there came a shout if victory from outside the walls.

For the last time, the wall opened up when Anne pushed it away smiling. Kate was behind her holding the flag up and singing We are the Champions. I told you she had a song for everything. Anne told us what happened after all three of us were locked up.

"After we finally got Lex, good job of avoiding us by the way, Kate stood guard for a minute while I went to go find your guys' flag. I couldn't find it at first actually, so I came back and told Kate to come help me knowing that the three of you wouldn't try to escape for fear of my wonderful teammate. She finally found it and here we are."

We had to help clean up the short walls that had been everywhere and pick up anything that hadn't been picked up. After that, we did a little bit more training. It was boring. Then when we were done and all nice and sweaty from running and whatnot, we walked over to a pizza place that was only a few blocks down.

We ordered an extra large pizza one-third veggie, one-third meat, and one-third something new just like always. The veggie was for me and Anne, the meat for Matt and Lex, and the something new for Kate. If you're wondering why Kate gets a while third to herself, well it's simply because that girl can eat. I mean a lot. But she isn't fat or anything which is pretty much every teenage girl's dream, to be able to eat however much of whatever you want without being overweight. Anyways I digress. After we got the big pizza and ate our fill, Anne told us the details of our newest mission.

"So you all know what our newest mission is supposed to be for, right? I just haven't told you all of the details."

Everyone except for me nodded. So naturally I spoke up. "Which mission? Did I miss something?"

"You know the one that I was explaining when you so rudely interrupted me a couple days ago," she said.

"Oh that one!"

Anne looks at me as if I'm crazy. "Yes that one. What other one is there?"

"I- oh whatever. So the mission," I prompted.

"Ok." With another strange look she continues to tell us whatever she was saying before I answered her rhetorical question.

A/N: Hey! Sorry about the long wait for this chapter. I had a writers block so I had no clue what to write. Hopefully the next update won't take so long. Either way I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Feel free to leave a comment with any ideas , questions, whatever. I'd love to hear what you guys think. Any feedback is appreciated so yea. Byeeeee!

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