Chapter 1

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Hi! So this is my first story on Wattpad, so sorry if it's not very good... But I hope you enjoy it anyways! If you have any comments feel free to post them. I would love to hear any ideas that you guys have. Also if I make a mistake, feel free to correct me because that would really help! So that's it. Enjoy

"Come on come on come on....No!" I yelled. The locker bay got very quiet for a moment while everyone stopped to look or stare at me. You just had to yell didn't you? I silently scolded myself. The noise level starts to rise as my locker finally opens.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I look at my pink books, pink locker shelf, and binders which in case you were wondering, were pink too.

The funny thing is I hate the color pink. So why is everything in your locker pink you ask? Excellent question. The answer is that my friend thinks that she is absolutely hilarious.

I don't exactly agree.

The bell rings and I grab a couple of books and binders, stuff my backpack into the locker, and run to class hoping that I won't be late or run into anyone.

I reach my seat just as the late bell rings and I realize that I don't have the right books. So I prop up an English book on my desk and pray Mrs. Qwerty won't notice. I copy the notes off of the board and then start on the 80 problems assigned for homework using the person in front of me's book when, "Riley-Ann!" my teacher calls.

"Yes?" I respond.

"Were you copying off of Aria's homework?"

"No, Mrs. Qwerty."

"Then why we're you staring at it?"

"Ummm..." I say sounding like a genius while trying to think of anything to get me out of trouble. "Spasm attack?" I offer. It apparently isn't good enough.

" I don't think so. See me after school for detention, Riley-Ann."

I am almost completely sure that she hates me. She gets me into trouble as often as she can even when everyone, including her, knows it ( whatever it may be ) isn't my fault. Also she calls me by my given name Riley-Ann. I prefer to be called Ryan.

I sit glowering in my seat for the next ten or so minutes until the bell rings and I think that I'm saved. That is until I remember about my meeting...and Anne.


The rest of the day passes pretty uneventfully and before I know it I am heading towards Mrs. Qwerty's classroom for detention.

The only good thing is that I will have time to think of something, for the second time today, to get me out of trouble. Although it isn't for Mrs. Qwerty this time but for someone else named Anne. Hopefully I can think of something better than "spasm attack".

Detention passes by fast but with no ideas magically appealing to me. Mrs. Qwerty dismisses me with a "Don't ever try to cheat in my class ever again," and I hurry to our meeting spot.

You probably wonder about this meeting spot and us and meeting and Anne so I will hopefully clarify some things for you. Some things just have to be kept confidential so I can't tell you those but I'll try to start with basics.

I am Riley-Ann but please, please, please call me Ryan. I am 17 years old so still in high school if you couldn't tell. The meeting I was talking about is for this group I'm in called the S.T.W.G. It stands for Saving the World Group. I know it sounds like one of those groups that plants flowers and encourages people to recycle and call it saving the world but that is not exactly what we do.

We do help the save the world as the name might suggest but from things most people don't believe or want to believe exist. In other words you could call them monsters. It sounds cheesy but it's true. Anyway there is a group of us: Anne, Kate, Lex, Mat, and me. We meet every other day.

I come near the warehouse we use to practice in and have meetings in. I can hear Anne's voice through the door meaning that she's talking about something to everyone else. As quietly as I can, I open the door and go inside.


A/N So that's the end of the first chapter. Sorry its so short and I apologize for any errors. Nonetheless hope you enjoyed it!

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