Chapter 6 - Leaving on a Jet Plane

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Amidst the bustling crowd at Harbour City International Airport, I stood with Anthony at the departure gate. My heart was heavy with a mix of pride and concern as I watched my husband prepare for his journey.

Anthony, as dapper as ever in his tailored attire, carried a large suitcase filled with finely crafted tailor samples. "I can't believe I'm finally heading to the Far East for the trunk show for Debenham Tailors," he remarked with a hint of excitement.

I couldn't help but give him a reassuring smile. "You're going to do amazing. Your business deserves to be recognized worldwide."

"But the products we are selling are made by your gifted hands," he said as he took my hand and kissed it.

He pulled me into a warm embrace, his arms enveloping me. "I'll miss you," he whispered into my ear.

I held onto him tightly, as I toughened myself. "I'll miss you too, but it's just four days. You'll be back before we know it."

With one final lingering hug and a passionate kiss, Anthony reluctantly released me. "I promise, my dear, I'll be back before you even realize it."

As he walked towards the boarding gate, I watched him with pride, knowing that no matter how far he traveled, he would always return home to me.

Up until now, Debenham Tailors has only been around major countries in Europa and North Columbia. Anthony managed to strike a deal with a businessman from the Far East who owns several chains of menswear across a few countries there. Being the businessman he is, he didn't waste the opportunity to expand our market and clientele base there.

As much as I want to go with him, I must stay to manage the shop. While Cooper is a Master Tailor, managing the bustling shop by himself poses a challenge.

Being his wife first and business partner second, I must support him and bear the responsibility. However, I found it heavy in my heart to be separated just a few months after our wedding and honeymoon.


When Anthony returned four days later from his successful trip to the Far East, he brought with him not only the pride of securing new deals and clientele but also a commission order that promised significant success for Debenham Tailors. I welcomed him home with open arms, celebrating his achievements and embracing the time we had together.

However, our joy was short-lived. Only a week later, Anthony was once again packing his bags, this time for another overseas journey, this time to the Federated States of Columbia. It seemed the cycles of these overseas trips and brief returns home were becoming increasingly frequent, leaving me with little time to enjoy my husband's presence.

Our life was marked by the constant ebb and flow of his travels, each journey filled with the promise of success but also the reality of separation. I cherished the moments when he was home, and my feelings for him remained unwavering, but I couldn't help but feel the ache of his frequent departures.

One evening, I conversed with Cooper as we reviewed our orders, and I couldn't help but share my woes about Anthony's frequent overseas trips. "Cooper, I know it is his responsibility both as a husband and a business owner, but lately, it feels like he's barely home. It's been so hard."

Cooper, a life-seasoned old man he is, offered me a reassuring smile. "Layla, you know how passionate Anthony is about his work, but remember, he still manages to reserve time for you. He loves you deeply, and he'll always come back."

I nodded, appreciating his wisdom. "You're right. I do admire him for his business prowess, and I know he's doing it for us. It's just difficult sometimes."

Cooper patted my shoulder gently. "I understand, Layla. Just remember, he may be away physically, but his heart is always with you."

His words brought some comfort to my heart, reminding me that even in Anthony's absence, our relationship should be unwavering.


For our second wedding anniversary, Anthony took me on a trip to the Island of Mayorca, Iberia Espana. I appreciate that he still reserves the time to celebrate our anniversary every year.

During a quiet and intimate dinner date at the resort, Anthony surprised me by bringing up a topic we hadn't discussed before. I was caught off guard when he suddenly said, "My love, I've been thinking about us having a child."

I couldn't hide my surprise. "Why so sudden conversation about having a child?"

Anthony reached across the table to hold my hand, his gaze filled with sincerity. "With the expansion of Debenham Tailor business, I've managed to gather enough funds and establish a stable stream of income."

"...My dear, I..." I stuttered

"I've set up a trust fund, insurance, and all the necessary financial provisions to ensure we can provide a secure environment for our child," he continued.

I sat there, still somewhat speechless. It was a moment I hadn't expected during our wedding anniversary.

Anthony leaned in closer and asked, "My love, are you ready? I understand that most of the burden will be on you, and I don't want to force you."

His voice is filled with concern, "It's your call."

I took a moment to reflect, a mixture of emotions swirling inside me. Finally, I nodded and replied, "Anthony, I think it's about time for us. I'm ready."

With that, we sealed our decision.


As Anthony prepared to embark on another trip, this time a tour of various cities and countries in Europa, I stood with him at the airport. My heart grew a little bit accustomed to this kind of parting.

"Take care of yourself," I said, my voice filled with affection.

He held me close, our hug conveying the depth of our emotions. "I'll be back soon."

Our lips met in a tender kiss, and as we pulled away, Anthony's hand gently caressed the small hump on my stomach. "Our little one will be here before we know it," he said, a mixture of excitement and tenderness in his voice.

I smiled through the emotions that welled up in me, feeling a deep connection with my husband even though we were about to be separated once more. Our love and excitement for the journey ahead, both for Anthony's tour and the impending arrival of our child, filled the air as we parted ways at the airport.


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