Chapter 10 - Searching for a Purpose

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Sitting alone in the Institute's cafeteria, I couldn't help but feel an unreasonable blob of jealousy as I thought about Layla and her family enjoying their holiday at the White Sand Beach Resort.

The cafeteria's bland food had never been as unappetizing as it was this time, as I absentmindedly pushed my food around on my plate.

I wanted to be there with Layla, basking in the sun and creating cherished memories together. I longed for the laughter, the warmth of family, and the joy of sharing experiences. But I knew that their holiday was something sacred, something that was her family's right.

I still remember the night she called me, telling me that the shop would be closed for a week as they would spend the entire week on family quality time. Something wrenched my heart as I recalled those moments. I sighed heavily as I reluctantly took another bite of my lunch.


Just as I was lost in my thoughts, my coworker, Levina Lovelace, slammed her tray onto the table with a hearty greeting that jolted me from my melancholy.

"Mary, dear, how's it going?" she asked in her typically rowdy fashion.

I managed a small smile and replied, "Oh, just the usual, Levina. You know how it is."

Levina didn't seem to notice my subdued demeanor as she launched into a spirited rant about her son. "Oh, you won't believe what happened! My boy Jamie, he's only gone and landed himself in trouble again. It's that school, I tell you. Those teachers are a proper nightmare!"

As she recounted his son's latest escapade, I couldn't help but be entertained by Levina's presence. Her lively personality and animated storytelling had a way of brightening even the dullest of moments.

Levina, never one to hold back her mind, let alone to watch her tongue, continued her enthusiastic conversation. "So, Mary dear, when are you going to find yourself a man, eh? There are plenty out there who love a strong woman like you." She leaned in, continuing, "And you've got quite the attractive figure for certain men, if you don't mind me saying." She winked.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her frankness. "You never learn to watch your tongue, do you? Well, I'm not so sure about that. It's not exactly at the top of my to-do list at the moment."

Levina laughed playfully. "Well, you never know, dear. Love has a funny way of showing up when you least expect it."

Unexpectedly, I let Levina's words settle in me, I couldn't help but wonder.

Looking at Layla, so content with her husband and Clara, I found myself pondering whether I would eventually need to follow a similar path. The idea of finding a partner, getting married, and even having a child began to cross my mind.

Yet, I remained somewhat indifferent to the idea for the time being. My focus was on finishing my bland lunch and preparing for the next period of classes. Love, romance, and relationships would have to wait in the wings, at least for now.
A few weeks later, it was a slow day at the institute. I was just grading some papers when my mobile phone rang. It startled me a bit, as I hadn't really gotten used to this wireless technology.

I didn't give my mobile number to a lot of people, just my family, Strangways, and, of course, Layla. So either it's Mom telling me to visit for dinner, Strangways giving me more tasks to do, or Layla.

I picked it up, and voila, Layla's voice was on the other end of the line. She sounded slightly hurried.

"Hello, Mary? I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time." She said from the other side.

I answered her, "No, not at all, Layla. What's up?"

She explained, "I'm stuck with a client at the shop, and I won't be able to pick up Clara from kindergarten on time. I know it's last minute, but could you do me a huge favor and pick her up? I'd really appreciate it."

I replied without hesitation, "Of course, Layla. I can swing by the kindergarten and bring her to the shop. No problem at all. Just give me the details."

Layla's voice sounded relieved over the phone as she said, "Thank you so much for this. She's at Lang Foundation Kindergarten, Brooksfield. Clara should be ready to go in about an hour. I will tell the staff so they'll know it's you who will pick her up."

I replied, "Of course, don't worry; I'll make sure to drop her safely. Just let me know if you need anything else."

Layla's gratitude was evident as she responded, "You're a lifesaver, Mary. I really appreciate it. I'll see you soon."

Paper grading can wait. I grabbed my jacket and keys and left my office. I hopped in my car and immediately headed to Clara's kindergarten. On the way, I bought some bagels, a pack of fruit juice, and coffee. I figured that Clara would love it.

When I arrived at the kindergarten, I parked my rugged military jeep alongside the neat row of family cars. I couldn't help but notice the other parents, mostly mothers, eagerly awaiting their children's emergence from the building. It felt strange for me to be here, amidst the parents who seemed so at ease in this setting. My distinct leather pilot jacket and sturdy boots only added to the sense of being out of place.

I stood there, trying not to feel like the odd one out. Levina's words from a few weeks ago kept replaying in my mind. She had mentioned the idea of finding a partner and settling down. I knew it was just her banter, but those words had cast doubt in me. I felt like an anomaly among these parents, as if I were missing something they had figured out. It was a strange mix of feeling out of place and being at odds with my own thoughts about the future.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the kindergarten day, I watched as Clara emerged, led by one of her teachers. When they came up to me, the teacher gently inquired, "Are you Mary Arbor, the one picking up Clara today?"

I nodded and replied, "Yes, that's right, I am," as I showed my Institute staff ID card with my photo and name on it.

The teacher offered a warm smile and said, "Great, Clara will be in your care then. Have a nice day!"

I thanked the teacher and watched as she left Clara with me. Clara and I exchanged smiles, it seemed that she was excited to be with me.

"Hey there, Clara," I greeted with a smile. "I've picked this up on the way here. Want some?" I offered her a bagel from the paper bag.

Clara's face lit up with joy as she accepted the bagel. "Yay! Thank you, Aunt Mary! You're the best!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm. "You're welcome, Clara. Are you ready to go see your mom at the shop?"

Clara nodded eagerly as she took a bite of the bagel. "Yes, I missed Mom, and I can't wait to tell her about my day!"

After making sure Clara fastened her seatbelt, I drove and headed to the Debenham Tailors atelier. With a bagel in her hand, Clara seemed to be more concentrating on munching it.

Clara's innocent voice suddenly broke the silence, "Aunt Mary, did you know I'm going to be a big sister soon?"

I swear to God Almighty I almost crashed this car into the bus in front of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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