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It was a boring day when Sara was summoned to meet with her parents

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It was a boring day when Sara was summoned to meet with her parents.It was unusual for her to meet her parents in such a formal way, normally her and her siblings would see their parents whenever they liked. Perhaps that was why robb threw her a puzzled look when the septa announced she was too speak to speak with them.

It wasn't uncommon for Sara and robb to spend their days together. When they were younger the two would be joined at the hip, where one was the other wouldn't be far. Now they were older nothing had changed, they still chose their own company except with the exception of letting Jon join them in their secret circle.

The twins shared a similar face, both had the blue eyes of their mother, along with her pale skin. However as they grew older Robb's hair began to change into a red-brown colour, embracing his tully genes. While Sara's hair stayed the same, perhaps changing into a slightly darker brown. She once grew sad at the differences that began to happen, thinking it would start to separate them. It was only as she grew older when she realised that her worries were nothing but silly.

They were half of each other, they shared the same blood. And nothing would come between them.

"What do you think they want." robb questioned his sister, with the same puzzled expression on his face. "And why would they only want to talk to you." He added with a slight jealous tone

"How I am I supposed to know." Sara responded, smirking slightly at his jealously. Internally laughing at her brothers childish behaviour.

"I do hope you're not jealous brother." She teased, knowing full well he was. Sara knew the curiosity would get the better of him, he would undoubtedly gossip with Theon and Jon of what their parents wish to discuss with her.

Sara quickly stood before her brother could respond with a quick witted comment which he was definitely about to say

The twins often jested with each other, both of them desperately trying to best the other with funny lines and quips

"Don't panic, whatever mother and father have to say you will be the first to know."Sara promised her twin.


Sara made her way down stoned hallway to her parents chambers. Some found it odd that the married couple shared their bedroom, but for Sara and the rest of her family it second nature. After all they were married and why shouldn't they share a bed.

From a distance she could hear the muffled voices from her parents who were deep in conversation. The tone of their voices serious and somber, it didn't take long for Sara to realise something had happened.

A series of questions ran through her mind. An endless list of possibilities of what could have happened flooded her brain. She was so lost in her own thoughts to hear the voices stop and a set of footsteps walk across to the door.

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