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It had been just over two weeks since it was announced that Sara stark would be wed to lyonel hightower, the heir to oldtown

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It had been just over two weeks since it was announced that Sara stark would be wed to lyonel hightower, the heir to oldtown. In these passing weeks Sara had stuck close to her mother. Catelyn used the time to teach her daughter what it would be like to be married. However time had passed quickly and it was now the day of Sara's departure for oldtown.

Even though she was scared to leave the only home she has ever known, some excitement had settled in her stomach at the thought of traveling to a new place. She had pooled over any books she could find that mentioned Hightower's and oldtown. Their marriage ceremony would not be the tradition of the north, instead it involved the cloaking ceremony. The cloak had been made throughout the weeks by her sister Sansa who had been closely observed by her septa. Sansa had been extremely upset when she was told she could'nt attend her sister wedding, thankfully she had comprised by making part of Sara's wedding attire.

She had been told her dress would be given to her at her arrival to her new home,she had not seen it yet and prayed it would be in good taste. Her room had been a whirlwind of servants packing all her belongings into cases, readying them to be sent off. She didn't think she'd ever see her room look so bare, but now it looked like no one had ever lived

Sansa had been with her all morning, soaking up all the time they could muster up together.

"When you're married do you think you'll get nicer dresses?" Sansa questioned. "I should think you should as the new lady Hightower." She answered herself.

Sansa had swarmed her sisters with questions that she did not know the answer to. Do you think lyonel will be handsome? How long will it be till you have children? How many children do you think you'll have? Will you visit us with your husband?

Arya on the other hand could care less about any topic that involved weddings or babies. She had become quite possessive or her older sister, never straying too far from her making sure she was close at all times.Except this morning as Catelyn had ushered her away from her Sara allowing her some peace and quiet. All this attention was making it harder and harder to leave.

Robb had seemed to distance himself from his twin, spending more time training in the courtyard with Theon. With the loss of his sister nearing he was trying to push her away, hoping it would hurt less. If he was being honest he would much rather spend time with his sister rather than with Theon who has grown into someone that is not easily liked.

Sara had set herself next to her sister in her now bare room. In an hour she would be leaving, so she was trying to savour every moment with her siblings. She could hear sansa talking in her ear, about what Sara wasn't sure she had long learned to tune voices out.

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