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Hayat's POV

We were in the dining area, I was munching on the toast as I was getting late. It was silent and felt awkward, my friends never shut their mouths.

" Guys, I saw a movie last night and I couldn't sleep. " Akshat said.

" That's why it is advised to work on the upcoming project instead of wasting your time " said Agam while glaring at akshat

" Yaya whatever " Akshat said while rolling his eyes.

" By the way, which movie was it? " I asked to which he replied-

" Semur "

I choked on my food and Dhruthi passed me a glass of water.

" Why are you so shocked? " said akshat with a suspicious look

" Umm, you know it's--it is um scary so " I replied.

" You guys should stop watching horror movies, it attracts negative energy " Maya said to which I responded

" Stop this conversation here and Aditya please meet me in the office as soon as possible "

Dhruthi's Pov

I knew something was wrong, Hayat's behavior is very different.

She used to be so charming in our high school but nowadays just obsessed with work. She always share things with me but there are few things she didn't tell and hides them but I'm very good at reading her face.


We were playing in the ground when I noticed Hayat going to the library. Our school did have a library but no romance novels, so we visit a bigger library near the school. I followed her but she didn't know, it was huge and had many racks containing books of different genres. ( i am only interested in romance novels )

I thought she would be in the romance section but she went to the restricted section.

" this girl is always into adventures. What if she gets caught?! "

I told my self and decided to follow her further, making sure nobody notices us.

She then disappeared but I found her near a huge rack and I don't know which section that was.

Her back was facing me and she was holding a book in her hands.

" Hayat " I called her

She closed the book immediately and turned around. The sudden reflex in her actions explained that she was hiding something.

" Why a-re u-u her-e " she asked

" shouldn't I ask u this? " I responded

" It's literally the restricted section and what if someone else sees you over here, by the way, why did you come here?" I told folding my hands

" nothing, I-I just wanted to do something interesting as it was boring playing in the ground " she walked towards me while talking.

After that, I thought of keeping any eye on her but she never went to that section again.

Flashback ends


Everybody was in the living room chit chatting.

" What the fuck are you reading? "
Mishka said and snatched the phone from Aryan

" What the hell, you can't take my phone, give it back "
Aryan said

As soon as he was going to snatch it, she took the hammer and started to break it.

Her eyes were full of anger, once the phone was completely broken, she threw the hammer on the floor with a high force.

" oh my god! What is wrong with you, Mishka? " said aarna

" She broke my phone!!" Aryan said

Mishka was still fuming in anger, she went inside her room ignoring all the questions imposed on her and closed the door with a huge thud.

" Bitch! " Akshat said

" Stop swearing Akshat " Aryan said

" Since when did he become so nice? " Maya whispered in aarnas ear which was loud enough for Aryan to hear

" I'm just following the ethics " Aryan said and went to his room

Dear readers,
That was it for today, I know I left so many cliffhangers but I guess it's worth it. What do u think was Aryan reading, and what about hayat's behaviour in library??? Vote, comment and share to get updates early

With love,

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