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Author's POV

The room fell silent, suffocating under the weight of disbelief and grief. Hayat stood in the center, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and horror, her heart heavy with the burden of witnessing Mishka's tragic end.

As Agam's footsteps echoed through the hallway, Hayat emerged from the washroom, her clothes stained with blood, her gaze vacant and distant. Agam's eyes widened in shock at the sight of his bride, his voice trembling as he reached out to her,

"Hayat, what... what happened?"

But Hayat remained unresponsive, her thoughts consumed by the haunting image of Mishka's lifeless form in the bathtub, surrounded by a pool of blood

The sudden scream of Maya from the washroom shattered the silence, drawing the attention of their friends. Aarna, Aditya, Akshat, Aryan and Dhruthi rushed out of their rooms, their faces pale with shock and horror as they beheld the scene before them.

"What happened? Is everyone okay?" Aarna's voice trembled with fear as she surveyed the room, her eyes widening in horror at the sight of Mishka's lifeless body.

Aditya, his expression etched with sorrow, gently lifted Mishka's limp form in his arms, his voice choked with emotion, "We need to get her outside. We need to call for help."

Agam fumbled for his phone, his hands shaking as he dialed the emergency number. But the words caught in his throat as Aryan's solemn voice rang out,

"It's too late. She's gone."

The news struck like a thunderbolt, leaving their hearts shattered.

Everybody came out of the room and went to the living room

Aarna's cries pierced the air and she collapsed into Maya's arms.

"I can't believe she's gone. I can't... I can't..."

Maya held her friend close, her own tears mingling with Aarna's as they experienced the loss of their beloved Mishka.

Akshat's voice cracked as he struggled to find words, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.

"Why... why did she do it? What made her do this?"

Dhruthi, her voice barely above a whisper, choked out,

"She didn't tell us anything, maybe she was suffering but we couldn't do anything."

But amidst the chaos and despair, Hayat remained silent, her eyes fixed on the empty space where Mishka once stood, her mind consumed by the unanswered questions that lingered in the air like a haunting melody.

As the echoes of sorrow reverberated through the room, they knew that their lives would never be the same again.

Nanny and Necimye, their faces lined with concern, approached her, their gentle voices a soothing balm to her broken heart.

"Hayat, darling, what happened? Are you alright?" Nanny's voice was laced with worry as she pulled Hayat in a comforting embrace.

But Hayat could only shake her head, her throat constricted with the weight of unshed tears, her voice a mere whisper as she struggled to express her pain in words.

"Mishka... she... she was suffering, Nanny. All this time, and I couldn't do anything to help her."

Necimye's eyes brimmed with tears as she reached out to Hayat, her voice choked with emotion.

"Bacha, please, you mustn't blame yourself. None of us could have known what Mishka was going through. We can only mourn her loss and cherish the memories we shared."

But even as their words of comfort washed over her, Hayat couldn't shake the sense of guilt that threatened to consume her. Mishka's haunting cries for help, her silent screams of despair, echoed in her mind, a reminder of her failure to save her friend from the darkness that had consumed her.

As the night stretched on, shrouded in a veil of sorrow, Hayat clung to Nanny and Necimye, drawing strength from their unwavering love and support.

As the days passed, the house seemed to echo with the absence of Nanny and Necimye, their departure leaving heavy silence.

One evening, as the house was still in heavy silence, Hayat found herself drawn to Mishka's room. The door creaked open, revealing a space frozen in time, filled with memories of laughter and joy now tinged with sorrow.

Her gaze fell upon a framed photograph on Mishka's bedside table, a snapshot of happier times captured in a moment of fleeting innocence.

Tears welled in Hayat's eyes as she traced the outline of each familiar face, her heart aching with the weight of grief. The memories flooded back in a rush of bittersweet nostalgia, the echoes of Mishka's laughter ringing in her ears like a haunting melody.

"Dhruthi... Maya..." Hayat's voice wavered as she felt their comforting presence behind her, their arms encircling her in a gentle embrace.

"I miss her so much. I can't shake this feeling that there was something... something she wasn't telling us."

Dhruthi's voice was soft, filled with empathy as she spoke,

"We all miss her, Hayat. But we can't dwell on what ifs. We need to focus on honoring her memory, on finding out what was troubling her."

Maya nodded in agreement, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

"We'll get through this together, Hayat. Mishka would want us to find the truth, to make sense of all this pain."

Hayat drew strength from their words, a flicker of determination igniting within her.

"You're right. Mishka deserves justice, closure. And we're going to find it, no matter what it takes."

In that moment, as they stood together in the quiet solitude of Mishka's room, Hayat knew that she was not alone. With all the friends by her side, she would confront the shadows of the past, unraveling the mysteries that had haunted her friend's final days. And in their shared journey of healing, they would find solace in the bonds of friendship.

Dear readers,
Late update but how was it?? Hope you liked it, vote share and comment

With love,

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