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Maya's pov

We were going home with praithya today. Hayat told me about Mishka but I knew it wasn't her.

Fast forward

We reached home and Mishka was the first one to hug me.

" I'm sorry Maya " she said while hugging and it was clear that she was sobbing.

I knew her since childhood and she has always been a caring and a sweet girl.

" I know it wasn't you, mishka " I said while wiping her tears. I smiled and she passed a soft smile in return.

She took Praithya from Ruhaan and was playing, I felt happy that everything is back to normal again.

Hayat's Pov

I wanted to talk to dhruthi about the bracelet and was looking for her but where is she?!

" Maya, where is Dhruthi? " I asked

" She is in her room " she replied

" Alright " I said and headed to her room.

I knocked on the door and she opened it.

" What a pleasant surprise? " She asked

" I want to talk to you about something important " I told

" Sure, come in "

I went to the balcony

" Dhruthi, Remember I told you that Mishka was being controlled " I started

" Ya " she stood beside me

" It was because of that bracelet you had bought " she gasped

I turned to her and said " I want you to tell me the truth, where did you get that bracelet from? "

There was silence in the room and she decided to break it.

" When I was in high school, I lost my dog, do you remember? "

" I do " I replied

" Since its death, everything in my life was going wrong. "

" Are you talking about the time when you used to stay all alone and not talk to anyone? " i asked

" Yes, it was because I felt strong auras whenever I was around you guys, I don't know what kind of feeling that was but-"

" But you heard voices in your head, felt cold and saw blood, right? " her eyes widened when I said that

" But how do you know? " she asked

" I know you " I replied

" So what about the bracelet?" I asked


Dhruthi's Pov

Things were messed up in my life, I couldn't sleep every night and it was also affecting my studies. So I thought of sharing these things to a teacher. I went to the library and saw my favourite teacher. I explained everything to her.

" You are stressed, dhruthi. " She said but I knew it was not stress.

I didn't explain the part where I was experiencing auras and seeing blood because because I don't want her to think that I'm crazy.
Flashback ends

" I came out of the library and found a pretty old lady struggling to cross the road, she was walking with the support of a stick. I helped her and she asked to walk her home so I did. "

" We reached her house and she wanted to thank me, so she gave that bracelet " I said and hayat had a questioning look

" And since that day, I didn't experience the crazy things and was normal again. That is why, I wanted to give my lucky bracelet to Praithya. Still can't believe that the bracelet which was always a charm for me had become a curse for Mishka " I completed

" Not always a charm works for everyone " Hayat said and I nodded in response.

Hayat's Pov

Why is everything so complicated? Are my visions connected to what my friends are experiencing? The lady who gave dhruthi a bracelet, who was she? Was Mishka cursed? My mind was full of questions.

I heard Agam calling us. So Dhruthi and I went downstairs.

Everybody was seated but this guy was standing, is he doing some stand up comedy show? I was going to sit beside Maya when he interrupted

" Hayat, come here " he's including me in his show now

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