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Author's Pov

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Hayat's Pov

Today is my mehendi and the house is chaotic. Girls are practising the dance for sangeet tonight and the boys, I don't see them anywhere.

I was staring at the house being decorated by some decorators and Dhruthi was arguing with one of them.

" I had asked for white flowers, bhaiya. (Brother) " she said

" But ma'am you had told us to bring red ones " He replied

My gaze shifted towards the main door when boys came in, they always want to hang out in groups!

" I had asked you to look after praithya! She's crying from past 2 mins " Maya yelled at Ruhaan

" I had some important work, Maya " he said.

" Whatever that was " she said and Ruhaan was coming towards me

" Hey kiddo! " he said, this guy!

" I'm not a kid! " I said

" You are. Anyways, why are you standing here like a creep checking out on everyone? " he asked

" I'm not checking out! I was just looking at how everything is so changed from past few days " I said

" Of course it is " he replied and we heard praithya crying even more loudly

" I'll see you later, bye " he said and ran away to praithya's room.

I wanted to talk to Aryan and was walking towards him.

" Where are you going? " Akshat asked stopping me in my way

" To the garden " I replied

" Why? " he asked again

" because I have to talk to Aryan and he's in the garden " I replied and moved but halted on my steps when he said

" Agam was missing you so he called you to his room "

" Ask him to have some patience " I said without turning back and reached the garden, finally.

Aryan was watering the plants, he is a nature lover, I didn't know.

He looked at me and said

" Hello Hayat "

" hi, how come you are in the garden, watering the plants? " I asked while moving further towards the plants

" Actually, I love these plants and this one is my favourite " He said while pointing at a rose plant

" Oh " I said

" Do you have something to tell me? " he asked

" Of course but how did you know?" I asked with curiosity

" I was always your therapist, forgot? " He asked

" No" I replied

" Everytime I felt myself alone or not in the right state, you were the one to figure the reason out, so how can I dare to forget you? " I asked and he chuckled

" Agam is really a nice person and both of you are lucky to have each other " He said

" How did you possibly know I was going to ask something related to that ?" I asked and he stared at me

" I had something else too " I said and started walking in the garden and he was walking with me

" what is bothering you? " he asked

" You know what is happening from past few months " I started

" Did you see something in your visions? " he asked

" Aryan, things aren't going so well, I mean the visions, they are really complicated. I see blood, dolls, some ladies and things which don't allow me to sleep these days " I said and he hummed in response

" I was just afraid that there might be a possibility for those visions to be connected with Mishka's incident. The most important thing, what if it affects my relationship with Agam? " I stopped and turned towards him while asking the last part

" but your visions and mishka's incident are two completely different things. Did you find anything in common? " he asked and I thought for a moment

" The sigil on the bracelet and the tattoo on the lady's hand, they were the same " I replied

" So, there is a chance of everything being connected " he said

" For now, I think you should concentrate on your wedding and don't worry, I know Agam, and he would understand you, did you tell everything to him? " he asked

" Yes, I did " I replied

" He loves you Hayat, don't ever think he would do something out of your expectations. We actually tend to have these kind of thoughts because as you see, whoever was controlling Mishka, even they wanted to provoke the same kind of feeling. " he said and it made more sense then anything else, for a reason, therapist sir.

" It's already time, go get ready for your mehendi " he said and I smiled

I was about to leave when he said, " Agam was missing you, you should meet him "

I nodded and left.

Is he using evryone as messengers? But Mr. Cookie, you need to wait.

(Author - Cookie? His new name maybe)

I was getting ready in Dhruthi's room as I didn't want to meet Agam till marriage, he needs to have some patience.

The door opened and I looked at the person, guess who?

A handsome figure in green kurta and white lower appeared, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and goodness! He was looking like a Greek god.

Agam's Pov

The last room in this mansion where hayat can be found, Dhruthi's room. I opened the door and guess what, she was sitting on the bed while scrolling.

Damn! How can someone look hot and cute at the same time? She was wearing a green lehenga with minimal jewellery and makeup yet so beautiful.

" Ms. Hayat, I've been searching for you since morning and you are here! " i said

"I wanted to test your patience, Mr. Cookie " she replied

" You were testing my patience?" I asked. Distance between us was really decreasing

" ya " she said but this time in a lower voice

I leaned towards her ear and bit it.

A small moan escaped her mouth and I wanted to hear her honey voice all day, moaning my name

" You knew that I can't stay away from you but you still decided to test my patience? " I asked

I looked at her and her face was all red, I love seeing my impact.

She was looking at me with disbelief and her lips,  pink tint. I lost my self and was about to kiss her when-

" Hayat! " Dhruthi screamed and entered her room but she saw us!

She coughed and we moved away, ugh!

" sorry to disturb you guys but Everybody's waiting downstairs " she said dragging my hayat out of the room

My luck!

Dear readers,
How was the update? 1000+ words in this chapter, hope you liked it, if you did then vote, comment and share

With love,
Adra 💜💛

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