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Hayat's POV

Aditya's project was a success and today we are having a party.

" So guys, you all are aware of the party tonight right? " akshat asked.

" I can't be coming because I have to visit India. " Aryan said

" Why, what happened? " Maya asked

" Just some personal reasons " he replied.

He might have got a new girlfriend but this dude is always single, whatever.

" I'm sorry guys but it's really important, I'll be missing you people " Aryan said while he was about to leave

" It's okay but if you would be there, it would've been better. " Dhruthi said while waving a bye and he left.

Agam's POV

It was 6 already and I wanted to pick hayat so I asked her to be ready. I started driving to our house, I received a call

" where are you? " Hayat asked

" On my way " I replied.

She was about to say something but cut the call when she noticed my car coming in. 

I got out of the car and when I saw her, I felt my heart skipping a beat. She was looking ethereal, I couldn't take my eyes off her nor she could.

" You look so hot " she said

" Because you are radiating heat " she blushed when I said that.

We smiled at each other and I opened the car door for her, then sat on the other side and started driving. We reached the venue and of course, there were many cameras and papz.

When we got inside, we met our monkey friends. I was talking to Akshat when hayat left my side because she wanted to talk to some blonde guy, he was her business partner but she ignored her boyfriend, WOW. No, I'm not jealous.

Hayat's Pov

I was talking to Mr. Miller when I saw Agam making annoyed expressions looking at us. So I excused myself and was going to him when Mrs Lee saw me and she was talking to me. I saw Agam who was still annoyed, it's cute ngl.

Finally, I went to him.

" Looks like Mr. Boyfriend is jealous "

" Yaya, as if, go talk to your blonde guy. "

I started laughing, the way he rolled his eyes. Lol

" Now you are laughing, bye " he said and was about to leave

" Stop " I held him by his arms and he gave a questioning look

" Sorry baba " I said

" You are forgiven, Ms. Girlfriend " he said with a smile

" by the way, he's Mr. Miller not a blonde guy "

" he is a blonde guy " he said.

" whatever "

Dhruthi's Pov

From past 30 mins, this guy Akshat is trying to flirt with me like he has no other job!

" Will you stop now? "

" No, I can't because I won't be able to find another beauty like you " he said

OMG, this guy!

" Really?" Maya asked while coming towards us

" what's going on? " she smirked

" It's nothing like that, stop smirking " I said

" See, I'm telling you guys, you both look very good with each other "

" so? " I asked

" So, you should go on a date with a handsome guy like me" Akshat said. He looks like a trash bin

" Whatever " I said and went away with Maya

We went to mishka who was standing alone.

" What's wrong with you girl? " Maya asked mishka

" nothing " she replied

" What is this?  " I asked pointing at mishka's back

" It's a bruise, what happened mishka? " Maya asked while looking at the bruise

" Umm, I don't know " Mishka said while looking down.

Why is she acting so weird, looks like she's guilty for what she did with Aryan's phone.

But that happened 4 months ago and he bought a new phone too. She is always cheerful but from past few months, she's very quiet and disinterested in things she used to be happy for.

Hayat's Pov

The event came to an end and I was in the car while Agam was driving. I received a call, it was nanny.

" Hello nanny, I missed u so much "

" hello............hello " I asked but no response.

Then, I heard something.....

Dear readers,
        What do you guys think she heard? Stay curious. Vote, share and comment.

With love,
Adra 💜💛

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