Human : Chapter 11

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                                                 Chapter 11

                                                   Cash Out

I walked through the Resistance base until I eventually arrived at the hangar I moved towards the command room where I could see Nitro "Ah good your here, I've got a mission for ya." Nitro said "Alright what is it?" I asked "There is a Federation outpost in Mortsel in Belgium, I want you to go there and take it out." Nitro said "You got it." I said "The transport will take you just outside the city, find that outpost and destroy it." Nitro said "Right, I'll get it done." I said as I turned around and walked towards the crate of ammunition and refilled my ammo I then made my way towards the transport, the back door of the transport opened and I boarded the transport and sat down "Take me to Mortsel in Belgium." I said "You got it." the pilot said as the back door of the transport closed and the transport took off and soared out of the hangar before making it's way towards Belgium.

The transport soon arrived in Belgium as it landed just on the outskirts of Mortsel the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off of the transport the back door of the transport then closed and I activated my communicator "Nitro it's Josh, I'm here and ready to get started." I said "Alright Josh the Federation outpost should be somewhere in the city look for the big building with all the soldiers around it." Nitro said "Will do." I said as I deactivated my communicator and began moving towards the city.

I ran through the city using the alleys to avoid detection I reached the end of an alley and looked out into the street and that's when I noticed a large building with Federation soldiers all around it "That must be the outpost." I said, I then looked around and could see dozens of patrols around the building "Getting into that place will be tough I definitely don't want every Federation soldier in the city coming after me." I thought, I looked around the area to try and find another way in and that's when I noticed a building directly across the street from the outpost the building was large and consisted of several floors on the front of the building had large glass windows that allowed me to see inside the main area of the building and on top of the building was the word "Bank" in big red letters, I then got an idea "Or maybe I do." I thought as I began moving towards the bank.

Arriving at the bank I quickly activated my Cloaking Device as I entered the bank I looked around as I moved undetected through the main area of the bank I could see groups of people some were chatting amongst themselves while others were standing at the front desk talking to the bank teller I also saw four Federation soldiers in the room there was one in each corner I then noticed a large vault door directly behind the front desk I slipped past the people and the soldiers until I reached a small storage room at the back of the bank I then deactivated my Cloaking Device and looked around the storage room, I noticed a large duffle bag sitting in the corner of the room I picked it up and looked inside the duffle bag was empty "Perfect." I said as I carried the duffle bag in my hand and with that I was now ready to execute my plan "One giant motherfucking distraction coming right up." I said as I exited the storage room.

I exited the storage room and walked through the bank and as I walked an Angel suddenly appeared the Angel had gold eyes and a halo on it's head the Angel's body was long it had no limbs just a long narrow body the Angel rushed towards me as I extended my blade and dodged the Angel's attack I then used my blade to slice into the Angel's body as the Angel thrashed around eventually I cut the Angel enough that it stopped moving before it disappeared I then retracted my blade before I made my way through the bank I walked through the bank until I reached the main area again "Show time." I said as I was about to enter the main area of the bank but just then I saw Linda standing next to me just then she rushed towards me and attack me, I ran into the room to avoid her before I raised my weapon and sprayed bullets into the crowd, I fired at the people as the room exploded into pure panic the soldiers looked around frantically trying to figure out what was going on I quickly took out the soldiers before they could do anything and once they were dead I killed the remaining people with the soldiers dead and a pile of dead bodies in the room I quickly ran up to the front desk it didn't take long for the alarm to sound I reached the front desk and could see the bank teller the bank teller was a man with white skin wearing a blue fancy outfit and black pants that had several pockets on them and black shoes he was cowering behind the front desk I jumped onto the front desk and pointed my gun at him "Get up asshole!" I screamed as I pointed my gun at the man, the man slowly rose before facing me trembling "The vault, open it!" I ordered "Okay, okay just don't shoot." the man said as he slowly walked towards the vault door, once he reached the vault door the man slowly reached into one of his pocket I aimed my gun at him and prepared myself to pull the trigger in case this guy tried to be a fucking hero, the man looked at me before slowly pulled a key out of his pocket the man then inserted the key into the vault door before he turned the key he then grabbed the handle on the vault door and turned it and just then the vault door opened I walked into the vault and once inside the vault I moved towards the vast piles of cash that filled the vault "Awesome!" I said as I opened my duffle bag and began filling it with cash and once the bag was full I heard the bank teller running I quickly left the vault and could see the bank teller attempting to run for the exit I raised my assault rifle and aimed it at him before pulling the trigger and shooing him the man then dropped to the floor dead and with that I was now the only living thing in the room I looked around and I saw De'vorah standing next to me just then she rushed towards me and attacked me, I evaded her attack before I looked back and could see that De'vorah was no longer there I then reloaded my assault rifle before I looked around and admired my work "I could get used to this." I said as I held the duffle bag full of cash.

I stood and admired my work as I held the duffle bag full of cash I then looked outside through the large glass windows and could see a massive Federation force just outside of the bank "Good you fuckers are finally here." I said, I then looked around and could see several Ghosts standing next to me just then they rushed towards me and attacked me, I ran away from them before I made my way towards the back of the bank I ran through the bank until I reached a back door I quickly ran through the door and was now outside "Now to go and do my actually job." I said as I activated my Cloaking Device and began moving towards the outpost, I ran towards the outpost and I noticed that dozens of Federation soldiers were now inside the bank I quickly made my way towards the outpost before they had a chance to realize that I was no longer in the bank arriving at the outpost I looked around and couldn't see any soldiers I deactivated my Cloaking Device before walking up to a door with a keycard reader next to it I slid my keycard through the reader and entered the outpost, the inside of the outpost was large and completely devoid of soldiers "My plan worked." I said as I moved through the outpost, I moved through the outpost until I arrived at a door I opened it and found myself in a large storage room full of fuel barrels "Time to blow this place sky high." I said, just then I heard a sound coming from another room I walked out of the large storage room before I looked towards where the sound was coming from and I could see another door I slowly approached the door and as soon as I reached it the door opened and I could see a Hybrid standing in the doorway the Hybrid looked almost Human but it's body and head were long and narrow it had a large mouth full of sharp teeth it's limbs were long and it had sharp claws the Hybrid roared at me before it lunged towards me I dodged the Hybrid's attack before I extended my blade and rushed towards it the Hybrid then pounced on me and pinned me to the ground I struggled to move but I managed to cut the Hybrid's leg which caused it to release it's grip on me I then plunged my blade into the Hybrid's neck before slicing it's head off the Hybrid then collapsed to the floor dead "Fuck these Hybrids!" I said, I took a deep breath before returning to the large storage room I then pulled out a grenade before pulling the pin on it and tossing it towards the fuel barrels I then turned around and ran towards the exit and once I was outside of the outpost I heard a loud explosion I then looked back at the outpost and could see a large explosion erupt from the outpost the outpost was completely destroyed "Guess that means I'm done here." I said as I activated my Cloaking Device and began to move back towards the transport.

I moved through the city as I noticed the large Federation force that was outside the bank was now frantically rushing towards the now destroyed outpost I slipped past them completely unseen with my duffle bag full of cash eventually I reached the outskirts of the city and arrived at the transport I then deactivated my Cloaking Device before activating my communicator "Nitro this is Josh, the Federation outpost has been destroyed." I said "Well done Josh, come on back to the Resistance base and I'll have something new for ya." Nitro said "I'm on my way." I said as I deactivated my communicator, I took a moment to look back at the city "Every successful mission is another victory for me." I said as the back door of the transport opened, I was about to step aboard the transport but just then a Demon appeared the Demon had red eyes and horns on it's head it also had several tendrils instead of legs the Demon approached me and attempted to strike me I evaded it's attack as I extended my blade and plunged it into the Demon I then tore the Demon's body apart with my blade as the Demon roared in agony and once I removed my blade from the Demon's body the Demon collapsed to the ground and disappeared I then retracted my blade before I stepped aboard the transport the back door of the transport then closed as I sat down before speaking to the pilot "Let's go back to the Resistance base." I said "Sure thing Josh." the pilot said as the transport took off and flew away from the city, I sat in the transport with my duffle bag in my hands just then I looked and could see Brian standing in front of me just then he rushed towards me and attacked me, I jumped to avoid his attack before looking back and seeing that my Dad was no longer there I took a breath as the transport soared across the sky as it made it's way back towards Scotland.

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