Human : Chapter 35

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                                                      Chapter 35


I opened my eyes and darted my head around and I noticed that I was no longer being stabbed by a Demon in fact I wasn't even by the water anymore I was now somewhere else entirely I looked around and took in my surroundings the area I now found myself in looked terrifying I was standing on a stone ground and I could see a massive lake behind me except it wasn't water that was in the lake it was blood and in front of me there was a giant gate that led into a colossal temple the area looked like how Akasha and Desiree described Hell when they established their laws and teachings unto everyone in the universe I stood there trying to figure out what was happening I then remembered what had happened to me before I arrived here "I went to the Federation launch site, I used a Federation shuttle to go to the Moon, I destroyed the Federation Moon base, I destroyed the Federation fleet, I killed Calina, I was thrown into Earth's orbit, I landed in the water and then I was killed by a Demon" I thought as I realized what was happening "Oh fuck, I'm dead and I'm in Hell." I said as I looked around at my surroundings, I then looked towards the giant gate before I approached it and as I drew closer to it the giant gate opened I looked forward and walked through the giant gate I then began moving through Hell.

I moved through the first area which looked like a dungeon there were chains hanging from the ceiling and there were racks on the floor and walls the racks carried what looked like Demon weapons there were swords, spears, assault rifles and rocket launchers there was also Demon armour on the racks, I walked past the racks until I stopped and looked at a piece of Demon armour that was on one of the racks I walked up to the Demon armour and inspected it the Demon armour was black and it looked like Demon armour that one would wear on their chest I picked up the Demon armour and put in on my chest "The Angel armour that I picked up in Heaven let's me run really fast I wonder what this Demon armour does." I said before I continued moving, I continued moving through the area when suddenly I heard a roar coming from somewhere in the area I quickly darted my head around trying to find the source of the sound just then I saw several Demons approaching me the Demons wore black armour they each red eyes and horns on their heads they each had two wings on their backs and they each had a tail I remember seeing a Demon like these ones back in the Federation prison just then the Demons rushed towards me I quickly jumped out of the way of the Demons before I began sprinting through the area as the Demons gave chase I dodged the Demons attacks whenever I could but they managed to hit me a few times I knew there was no point in trying to kill them so I simply ran for the door, I sprinted through the room as the Demons pursued me until I eventually made it to the door I wasted no time opening the door and running through it before I turned around and slammed the door shut behind me as I heard the roars of the Demons coming from the other side of the door.

The next area was completely dark I slowly moved forward when suddenly my foot hit something on the floor I reached down and picked whatever it was up I felt the object in my hands it was small and rectangular my finger then hit a part of the object that felt like it could be moved I pressed my finger down on it and in an instant the area was illuminated by light before being plunged back into darkness I then realized what the object was "A camera?" I said, I then looked at the small screen on the camera and could see the picture that I had taken I could see the area looked like a series of corridors "Somebody must have had this camera on them when they got killed by a Demon and went to Hell." I said, suddenly I heard what sounded like footsteps coming from somewhere in the maze I quickly darted my head towards where the sound was coming from and realized that I wasn't alone "Shit I need to move." I said as I started running through the maze with the camera in my hands, as I ran through the maze I could hear the sounds of footsteps all around me I ran through the maze unable to see in the darkness I then used the camera to take a picture the flash from the camera illuminated the corridor allowing me to see for a brief moment before the area was plunged back into darkness I then looked at the picture I had taken and used it to help guide me through the area I turned a corner when suddenly I heard footsteps coming from behind me I quickly turned around and took a picture and for the brief moment that the corridor was illuminated I could see a Demon the Demon's body was long and narrow it wore black armour it's arms and legs were long it had claws on it's hands and feet it had a long narrow tail that had spikes on it it's head was long it had four horns on it's head and it had two red eyes I remember seeing a Demon like this in Spain the Demon roared as the flash from the camera illuminated the area the Demon stood there for a moment just then the Demon sprinted towards me at unbelievable speeds and in a blind panic I quickly turned around and began running away and as I was running I could hear the footsteps of the Demon getting closer it was clear that the Demon was faster than me "I can't outrun this Demon." I said, I then turned around to see how close the Demon was to me I took a picture and as the area was illuminated by light the Demon immediately stopped moving and let out a roar I looked at the Demon and could see it standing there not moving but before long the Demon started sprinting towards me again I took another picture and the area was illuminated by the flash of the camera and once again the Demon stopped moving "Oh you don't like light." I said as I took this opportunity to get away from the Demon, I ran through the corridors trying to put as much distance between me and the Demon as possible but before long I heard the sound of the Demon's footsteps quickly approaching me I quickly turned around and flashed the Demon with the camera and as the area was illuminated the Demon stopped and roared but just then I heard more footsteps approaching me from another corridor I looked down the corridor and could see two more Demons identical to the one that was currently chasing me sprinting towards me I quickly flashed both Demons with the camera and they stopped and roared I then ran as far away from the Demons as I could before all three Demons started sprinting towards me, I ran as fast as I could but the Demons were too fast every time I flashed the Demons with the camera they would stop for a moment while I put as much distance between me and them as possible but the Demons caught back up to me effortlessly I continued the process of flashing the Demons running and flashing them again until finally I found a door I wasted no time running through the door and slamming it shut behind me and I heard as the Demons slammed into the door.

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