Human : Chapter 25

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                                                  Chapter 25

                                                   First Date

The transport arrived in Scotland as it flew towards the Resistance base the transport flew into the hangar and landed the back door of the transport opened and I stepped off of the transport the back door of the transport then closed as I made my way towards the command room where I could see Nitro "Good to have you back Josh." Nitro said "Good to be back, so what's next?" I asked "Well I've got nothing for you right now but after what you've been through I think you deserve a break." Nitro said "Yeah thanks." I replied before I walked out of the command room, I began to walk towards the door that led down to the rooms when suddenly I heard a voice coming from behind me "Josh." the voice said, I immediately recognized the voice as Cydaea I turned around and sure enough Cydaea was standing behind me she looked much better than she did when I rescued her from that Federation transport "Cydaea good to see you've recovered." I said "Yes and it's all because of you Josh." Cydaea said before she began shifting around nervously "So umm... what are you up to?" Cydaea asked "I just got some time off." I replied "Oh umm so what were you planning on doing with your time off?" Cydaea asked "Well I don't have anything planned right now." I replied "Do you maybe wanna spend time with me?" Cydaea asked, I looked at her for a moment blushing slightly before I answered her "Uh yeah okay." I said "Great I'll be waiting by the hangar door." Cydaea said before she walked away, I watched Cydaea walk away before I continued moving towards the door that led to the rooms I passed by the cafeteria and though about getting some food but I decided not to I did however go to the bathroom to piss and shit and once that was done I made my way to the rooms, I arrived at the rooms and walked towards my room I then opened the door to my room before I stepped inside my room I then put my assault rifle away before I opened my suit and stepped out of it my suit then closed automatically before I pulled Vex's spiked choker out of one of the pouches on my suit I placed Vex's spiked choker on my dresser before I walked out of my room I then turned around to close the door but just then I saw Linda, Brian, De'vorah, Belial, Stahl and Manticore as well as several Ghosts just then they rushed towards me and attacked me, I quickly closed the door before I began walking back towards the hangar.

I arrived at the hangar and made my way towards the hangar door and once I reached it I could see Cydaea standing there waiting for me she was carrying a small metal container "Good you're here." Cydaea said "Watcha got there?" I asked "You'll see." Cydaea said as she began to walk out of the hangar "Follow me." Cydaea said, I walked behind her as we walked out of the hangar and eventually we walked away from the Resistance base, we walked through the area as I took in my surroundings I walked next to Cydaea and eventually me and Cydaea arrived at a large rock with a somewhat flat surface on top of it Cydaea approached the large rock before she tossed the small metal container onto it she then climbed up the rock before she looked down at me "Well you coming?" Cydaea asked, I quickly climbed up the rock and once I did so me and Cydaea were now standing on top of the large rock I looked around and could see the surrounding area the view from where we were was amazing just then Cydaea sat down and opened the small metal container I watched her reach inside the small metal container until she pulled out a small blanket that was rolled up Cydaea then unrolled the blanket and laid it down on top of the large rock she then pulled out several different pieces of food from the small metal container there were cooked chicken sandwiches, apples and bottles of water along with several plastic utensils it was clear that Cydaea had just gotten these items from the cafeteria at the Resistance base Cydaea laid everything out onto the blanket and once everything was in place I realized what was happening "We're having a picnic." I thought as I sat down next to Cydaea "Wow did you prepare all of this?" I asked "Of course." Cydaea replied as she took a chicken sandwich and began eating it I also took a chicken sandwich and began eating as me and Cydaea sat there enjoying our picnic.

Me and Cydaea sat on the large rock eating, talking and enjoying the view we talked about our best moments fighting the Federation I didn't talk about all of the horrible things that I've done me and Cydaea sat there on that rock for awhile until suddenly Cydaea spoke "You know Josh ever since you joined the Resistance the world has been getting better." Cydaea said as she looked at me "Every time you go on one of your missions you always seem to make the world a better place." Cydaea said, I looked over as Cydaea before she continued "I don't have friends in the Resistance everyone in the Resistance is just an ally to me but you're different Josh you care about people, you care about me that's why you risked your life to rescue me." Cydaea said as she placed her hand on my hand, my face flustered as this happened and I could feel my heart begin to beat faster "I consider you my friend Josh, but maybe we could be more than friends." Cydaea said, my breathing became heavy when she said this I realized exactly what Cydaea was talking about "Cydaea is in love with me." I though as I looked down at her hand and could see her hand holding my hand before I looked back up at her face Cydaea was beautiful and I did care for her I loved her, I stared into Cydaea's eyes and spoke "Yes Cydaea I do care about you I love you." I said, Cydaea smiled and blushed as I said this but just then I reached up with my other hand and gently held the side of her head as I stared deep into her beautiful eyes suddenly I leaned in close to Cydaea I could then see Cydaea also leaned in close to me she closed her eyes and I closed my eyes and in that moment we kissed.

Me and Cydaea sat there on that large rock kissing our lips pressed together our hands holding each other the two of us sitting there in each other's loving embrace eventually Cydaea slowly pulled herself out of our kiss and I did the same just then Cydaea spoke "I love you Josh." Cydaea said "I love you Cydaea." I replied, Cydaea then let go of my hand before she began packing everything back into the small metal container we then stood up as Cydaea rolled up the blanked and packed it into the small metal container we the climbed down from the large rock before we began heading back towards the Resistance back I walked closely next to Cydaea much more closely than I did when we were walking towards the large rock we soon arrived back at the Resistance base and as we walked back into the hangar Cydaea turned towards me she then gave me a warm smile before she walked away I watched as she walked away before I began moving towards the rooms I arrived at my room before I opened the door and stepped inside I then placed my hand on my suit's chest piece and my suit opened I then entered my suit and my suit closed around me automatically I then pulled out my assault rifle before I walked out of my room I turned around to close the door but just then I saw Vex standing in my room she had black eyes just then she rushed towards me and attacked me, I quickly closed the door before I made my way back towards the hangar. 

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