Chapter 1

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Heatwave and Quickshadow were so happy. They had their first child, a little boy they named Hot shot. He was so small and cute. He was so precious. He was down right adorable. He was very wonderful child. However shortly after he was born things turned from great joy to great concern.

A doctor took a look at Hot shot. Then listened to his heart. "There is something not right here." the doctor said. "Something seems to be going on." he said. "I think I hear something going on in the baby's heart," he said.  "I am sending him to Cook children's to be examined there by a pediatric cardiologist," he said.

They were sent right to Cook Children's hospital. There a lady came into the room. "Hello I am Dr. Runkel now let's take a look at Hot shot shall we?" Dr. Runkel said. She gave Hot shot an exam. Then she had an electrocardiogram and echocardiogram done on Hot shot. She wanted a good idea of what was going on with Hot shot's heart. She saw quite a few defects with Hot shot's heart. There was tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great arteries, an atrial septal defect and a blocked valve. "Hot shot has complex heart defects, he has tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great arteries, an atrial septal defect along with Ventricular septal defect part of the tetralogy of Fallot and a blocked valve," she said. "His heart needs a lot of care," she said. "He will need a few surgeries most likely through out his life and maybe even a heart transplant," she said. 

Heatwave and Quickshadow were in shock but they were ready to be there for their son Hot shot. They were going to raise Hot shot to be brave and strong despite the heart problems. They were going to help Hot shot learn to care for his heart. They wanted Hot shot to be very healthy and strong. Hot shot was going to need tender care and they were going to give him that tender care as well. They loved their son and they wanted him to love his special heart. They wanted Hot shot to know despite his heart problems he is a normal kid. They hoped things were going to be okay as he grew up. They were going to be strong. 

Heatwave and Quickshadow met a cardiothoracic surgeon his name was Dr. Tam. "Nice to meet you," Heatwave said.

"We are going to take good care of you," Dr. Tam said.  "I will do what I can to help Hot shot," he said. "Hot shot will soon have his first heart surgery," he said. "We will do our best to do the first most likely many surgeries," he said.

Hot shot was taken back a couple of days later for his heart surgery. The doctors and nurses kept a very close eye on Hot shot during the surgery. They made sure he was doing alright. They wanted to check all of his vitals and how he was doing. Then the surgery was finished. They closed up Hot shot's chest and then woke him up.

Hot shot was in the NICU now recovering from his heart surgery. Hot shot was looking much brighter now. He was nice and pink. He was looking more energetic and active too. He was also more willing to eat too. 

He was soon taken home a bit later. Hot shot was soon starting to grow into a fine child. Hot shot as he grew he needed more care. Hot shot was taken to see Dr. Runkel on a regular basis. They were checking to make sure Hot shot was doing okay. Hot shot had to get two cardiac catheterization operations by the time he was 10 months old. By the time he was a year old he had another open heart surgery.

Hot shot was growing bigger and bigger. Hot shot was showing to be a very active child as he grew. But he found it hard to do what he liked to do because of his heart condition. Hot shot also made friends with four other kids his age with similar heart conditions. They all became good friends.

Hot shot has had many more things done as he has grown. He has had 5 open heart surgeries and 6 cardiac catheterizations. Hot shot was now five years old and has had a lot done to his heart. Hot shot was kind of used to the hospital and the tests because he has known it his entire life. Hot shot knew all of his friends at the hospital too. 

Hot shot knew a lot about all the different tests done on the heart. Hot shot was pretty much used to it. Hot shot was getting used to the big scar on his chest. Hot shot has had that since he was a baby. Hot shot was told that scar was from the surgeries done to fix his heart. Hot shot understood that and was starting feel like this scar was to remind him he is strong. 

Hot shot was doing well so far as were his friends. Little did they know that soon things were going to change big time.

Hot shot the little firefighter and Best Friends Heart JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now