Chapter 2

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Hot shot is now five years old. Hot shot is very playful. Hot shot loved to run around and play. Hot shot loves to be active. Hot shot was hoping to be great at sports. However it was hard with his heart problems to do so. Hot shot has had heart problems since he was small. He was aware of his condition and was getting used to it too. He knew this was his life and he needed work on it. Hot shot was hoping to get strong and do fine with being active.

Hot shot was good about times when he needs to see his doctors. Hot shot was taken to see Dr. Runkel on a regular basis. Hot shot liked Runkel. She was very nice and great at answering questions. That made Hot shot feel better about having his questions answered.

Hot shot despite his heart problems he was still very happy and healthy. Hot shot was able to tell his parents how he was feeling so the problems can be taken care of right away. 

Hot shot also had tests done at home because his parents got the special heart monitoring equipment to have at home. His parents also learned how to use them. Hot shot did this very often so his parents to see how he was doing from day to day. Hot shot was used to it pretty much. 

Hot shot knew if something didn't feel quite right he should tell his parents. Because they want to help him. That way he could be taken to the doctor and get the help he needs. Hot shot often took his favorite plush rhino with him to each doctor visit. Hot shot sometimes had to stay in the hospital due to heart problems. Hot shot didn't enjoy that too much.

But he became familiar with many of the staff there. Hot shot was happy to see them and they made him very happy too. Hot shot hoped things were going to be just fine. Hot shot knew he was going to have many surgeries still most likely throughout his life. 

"Mummy, daddy, I don't like that my heart keeps me from doing what I want to do," Hot shot said. "I want run without getting tired so fast," he said. "it is not fair," he said.

"I know it's not," Heatwave said.

"We can understand how you feel Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "it is hard for your father and I to see you struggle and have a hard time with doing things children with normal hearts can do," she said. "But your doctors are doing their best to make sure you can still live a very normal life," she said. 

"I know, I just wish I could do things like run and do sports without getting all tired or out of breath," Hot shot said.

"I know you do," Quickshadow said.

"We wish for that to Hot shot," Heatwave said. "Just remember we love you no matter what," he told him.

"I don't like how some stare at my scar when they see it," Hot shot said. "it is like they think I am some sort of monster, or a bad person," he said. "I don't know how to tell them I have had several heart surgeries since I was a baby," he said.

"I know that can be difficult," Heatwave said. "Just say I was born with a broken heart and I had several surgeries to help fix it," he said. 

"Okay," Hot shot said. 

Hot shot was noticing things were starting become more difficult as time went on again. He knew he had to tell his parents he wasn't feeling well again. "Mummy, daddy I am feel bad," Hot shot said.

"What's wrong?" Heatwave asked.

"Tell us what the problem is," Quickshadow said.

"I feel my heart pounding a lot, I feel more weak and tired than normal, I am having trouble sleeping, I don't feel like eating, and I am getting out of breath when I am doing nothing," Hot shot said.

"I am glad you told us," Heatwave said.

"I will call Dr. Runkel and tell her what is going on," Quickshadow said. Quickshadow called Dr. Runkel who said to bring Hot shot in today. Hot shot was brought to the Cook Children's Heart center. Hot shot was wondering what was going to happen at this visit. Hot shot was in the heart center and he saw his friends Hoist, Medix, Whirl and Wedge there. "Hi," Hot shot said. Then he began to play with them.

Then a nurse came out. "Hot shot," the nurse said. Hot shot was taken back and had all of his vitals taken by the nurse. Then Hot shot was in an exam room waiting for tests to be done. A nurse named Callie did an EKG and then Hot shot got an Echocardiogram. Hot shot knew the drill of those two tests really well. 

Then after the tests were done Dr. Runkel came in. "I saw Hot shot's tests and things are not looking good, Hot shot's heart is in end of stage heart failure, his heart just can't take more punishment," Dr. Runkel said. "I know medication won't help control the heart failure at this stage nor will a standard open heart surgery, we need a new option," she said. "I ask another doctor who may have option to help, she is one of the new doctors in the Cook Children's family," she said.

Then the doctor came in. "Hello I am Dr. Horn I am a transplant cardiologist, I am going to see if Hot shot qualifies for a heart transplant and that might be the thing to save Hot shot's life," Dr. Horn said.

Heatwave and Quickshadow were very concerned but they knew it was probably the only option for Hot shot now.

Hot shot was a bit confused. "What is a heart transplant?" Hot shot asked.

"A heart transplant is when a doctor takes a failing heart out and replaces it with a healthy heart of a donor about the same age and size as the recipient." Dr. Horn said. "The heart comes from a donor who has died," she said. "So in other words a heart transplant is when someone gets a new heart," she said.

"Oh," Hot shot said. "So I need a new heart?" he asked.

"Yes, but I am going to do tests like another EKG, an Echocardiogram, a cardiac catheterization, a blood test and an over check up to make sure you are a candidate for transplant," Dr. Horn said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot got another EKG and Echocardiogram. Hot shot also got his blood test done. Then he got a cardiac catheterization. After that he had a complete check up. Dr. Horn sent in Hot shot's information. Then she got a call. "Hello? Hot shot qualifies for a heart transplant priority 1A I understand, yes I will hospitalize him because his condition isn't good and I am glad to hear he is on the waiting list," Dr. Horn said. "I will tell the family too, and I will be waiting to let them know when a heart becomes available okay bye," she said. Then she made it back to the room. "Hot shot has been approved for a heart transplant. Hot shot is one of 10 children in Cook Children's to be waiting to get a heart transplant one of them will be the first heart transplant here," she said. "Now Hot shot is going to meet his care team," she said.

Hot shot already knew Dr. Runkel his primary cardiologist. Dr. Horn was part of the team and will keep an eye on Hot shot, before, during and after transplant. Dr. Burnizi the new heart surgeon with experience doing heart transplants she was new to the team at Cook children's she came from another children's hospital. Dr. Liko the psychologist who was going to help Hot shot with how he feels. Dr. Gorner the hospitalist who was going to look after him in the hospital. Dr. Waller the dietitian who was going help him learn about diet before and after his transplant. Dr. Etar the transplant coordinator who was going to help with the transplant process. Henry and Molly the nurses who were going to be taking care of him. Garret and Jane the physical therapist who were going to help him get strong again after transplant. Freddie the pharmacist who was going to help with medicine Hot shot was going to need before and after transplant. Penny the child life specialist who was going help him learn about his condition and what will happen at transplant and after. Emily the social worker who was going to help them learn about what will happen. 

Hot shot was amazed to have a big team. Hot shot was soon checked into the hospital. Hot shot got an IV to give him medicine to help hold him until transplant. Hot shot saw his friends there in the hospital still. He found out they also need heart transplants. "I hope each of us get our new hearts soon," Hot shot said.

His friends agreed with him.

Quickshadow was going to stay with Hot shot in the hospital for a couple of days before his father can take shift. Hot shot was told he was going to stay in the hospital until he gets his heart transplant and they didn't know when that would be so it was going to be a while. Hot shot didn't like that but he knew he was going to get used to the idea. He hoped that new heart would come soon. 

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