Chapter 1: the group🍂

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Heyy! This is my very first story! For those who couldn't tell it's a cross of 1D/Larry/Harry Potter! Apologise if I get the time tenses wrong at points, I wrote this ages ago and just found it sat in my notes😂
Also as some background information, I'm not a massive Potter head, so although I know little things don't make sense such as the fact that Harry and Louis technically aren't in the same year due to their age, we're just going to ignore that😭. So yeah, I'm really sorry if certain things don't make sense or aren't technically correct but we can just ✨ignore✨ that. Also I've written all of their names between as there are so many characters and I didn't want it to get too confusing :). And finally, just for some context, the Harry Potter lot are all in their late teens (5th movie sort of look) and the boys are all in their frat boy era (just so you can imagine it). But yeah, hope you enjoy!!

*Louis, Harry S, Niall, Ron, Liam and Zayn were all sat on the field talking and chatting. The earthy smell of flowers and leaves filled the air. It was their first break of the day, and before the rush of revision, they were taking the chance to relax. They were in their third year and were slowly approaching winter and soon they would be leaving for winter break. That meant that it was very nearly exam season, leaving everyone very tired and stressed. So that's why the group decided to sit and relax on the grassy fields of Hogwarts. They were in a circle, some lying down, others just sat cross legged. Some picked at grass while others were lost in their own little conversations. Niall looked up after creating a daisy chain out of small, dried daisy's clearly being struck by the force of winter, when he noticed...*

Niall- hey Ron! Where's Harry P and Hermione? They were supposed to meet us on the field with the boys round about now?

Harry- yeah where are they?

*Harry said after loosing interest in his conversation with Liam. All of 1D look towards Ron, who's stuffing his face with strawberries and cream.*

Louis- where the fook did you even get that?

Ron- i maaaay have taken some out of the hall...

Liam- some? You've got a whole ass pot Ron.

*As they all disapprovingly looked towards him, he stoped stuffing his face and swallowed the large amount of fruit in his mouth. His ginger hair untamed and flying in the wind as he answered-*

Ron- but I don't know where they are. I was leaving potions and then saw Niall so I ran up to him-

Niall-AND jumped on my back!

Ron- yes yes, and I may have jumped on his back but anyway the point is I haven't seen either of them?

Zayn-I wonder where they are?

Louis-yeah it's unlike Hermione. Little goody two shoes is never late!

*He rolled his eyes*

Zayn-hey! She's just really neat and tidy and actually cares about her future. Unlike you.

Louis-and I take pride in my messiness.

*Louis said while sticking his nose in the air. Harry trying to stifle a laugh in the background.*

Niall-of course you do Louis! Now Ron! Hand me some of those strawberries before you breathe them all down yourself!

Ron-there's only a few left!

Liam-if by a few you mean half a pot. Give me some too!

*Ron placed a defensive arm over the bowl of fruit and sugar he had put together and taken out of the lunch hall.*

Harry-oh just give the whole group some!

Ron-do I have toooooo!

Harry-yes. Let me help you so that we all get a fair amount.

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