Chapter 7: Disagreement🗯️

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I'm so sorry it took so long to write, I completely fell behind! I've been doing revision for my mocks! Anyway I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment xx

*Louis sped all the way back to charms, his cheeks burning. Once he was finally at the class room, he slowed his pace down. He stared at the door for a few seconds, and took in a deep breath to steady his breathing. Then he lightly pushed the door open, the cold wood a shock on his finger tips. Then he leant his head round to catch a glimpse of inside the room, and the sight of Libby and Harry kissing against a table was too much to bare. By the time he'd opened the door, he shut it again, not wanting to watch them any longer. So he gently shut the door again and stormed all the way back up to the grounds to get away from it, the image of the two of them not leaving his mind. He wanted to be as far away from them as possible. As far away from Libby. As far away from Harry. However, Harry hadn't noticed Louis, so he continued walking towards the ground, ready to meet Louis at the lake, hoping to forget about everything. He just held on tightly to his bag as he walked, not slowing down and once the view of the group appeared, he already started to feel better. He took a deep breath and then covered his face with a smile as he finally approached them. But once he got close enough, he could see Louis and Zayn in a deep conversation while the others listened, their faces all twisted with mixed emotions.*

Harry-Lou? What's wrong? Everything alright?

*At the sound of his voice, everyone turned their head to see Harry, stood their gripping to his bag. His knuckles had gone white from his strong hold on his strap, but he continued to look directly at Louis, desperate for an explanation. Louis just looked at him with cold eyes and Zayn being Louis' best friend stood in the way of Harry who was trying to approach them.*

Zayn-and what the hell are you doing here.

Ron-what. So you even have the audacity to turn up?

*Louis just stood and watched Harry, assessing his facial features. Harry just turned to Ron, his face full of confusion. After a few seconds of not knowing what to say, he turned to Louis for help, but he only gave him a glare, causing the pit in Harry's stomach to grow.*

Harry- wh- what? I have no clue what your on about...

Zayn- so this whole thing is fake then is it? You don't give a shit about anyone other than yourself? You just want to tare this group apart is that it? Is that it Harry?

Harry-Zayn, what?

Zayn-don't act dumb with me now Harry. This is a low blow man.

*Harry just stared at Zayn utterly defeated.*

Harry-look I can't explain myself unless you actually tell me what's going on!?

Louis-what's going on Harry, is that lately you and me have been getting a little closer right. I thought you were just trying to be nice and maybe start a friendship.

Harry-which I am

Louis-and now I've just found out that it's all bullshit and that you just want to hurt me. And just to add to it, i thought I'd let you know that you and Libby can kiss freely. No need to hang back and talk to teachers Harry, because quite literally, I don't give a shit.

*Harry felt his face drop. How had he seen him and Libby? And even if he had seen them, how had he not watched Libby practically pin him down. And how, how was Harry once again the bad guy.* did you even see that?

Louis-that really isn't the point of this conversation Harry.

Harry-but, but how?

Louis-if you've got nothing to say I suggest that you just go back to making out with your little friend. I'll just pack away everything else since you didn't feel like telling me that you already had company this afternoon.

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