Chapter 8:The explination☯️

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-This is chapter eight! I hope you guys enjoy!!

*Louis finally reached the common room and fell onto his bed. He let out a long sigh and buried his head into his pillow. He was so confused. Why did he care so much about all of this? It was just a stupid little kiss anyway. And he'd never even been that close to Harry, so it's not like it would be a massive loss. But then again, he'd really been getting close to him lately, and saying that he wanted to hurt him was fucked up. But it didn't matter now. They'd had an argument about it, so now he just had to see how things turn out. So instead of sulking all day, he got up from his bed and grasped his wand. Then he sat back down and began performing a few little spells. Small shots of light and sparks flew out of his wand as he waved his wand around, slowly starting to get bored. And just as he dropped his wand back on his bed and leant his head back, another Gryffindor student entered the bedroom, too busy to even notice that he was sat on his bed.*

Harry- for fuck sake! Why does everything have to go wrong. And why the fuck won't anyone listen to me! It feels like they're constantly against me. And I like him so much, but now he hates me. So that's great. Everything is just fucking great.

*Harry said as he threw his bag onto his bed.*

Harry-If only I could go back in time! None of this would have ever happened! And that picnic he set up looked so nice... I bet he spent to much time on it as well...

Louis-yeah I did spend a lot of time on that...

Harry-oh my god!

*He jumped, gripping his chest not knowing that he was there. He sniffled to try and hide the fact that he had nearly started crying.*

Harry-uh- I didn't know you where um- in here... I'll leave.

Louis-no! I uh- I mean no...please stay. I'm still angry but...just- stay.

Harry - ok.....

*He agreed. But he didn't move from his spot. He just stood there awkwardly, fiddling with the scarf in his hair. Another three minutes pass when Louis finally says something to fill the crippling silence.*

Louis- so. You have quite the explaining to do Harry Styles.

Harry -well. Where do I even start.

Louis- oh i don't know, maybe why were you snogging Libby when you told me that you were staying back to talk to McGonagall would be a good start. Just a suggestion.

*Harry sighed, agitated that he clearly hadn't listened to anything that he had previously said on the grounds. It truly felt like no one was listening to him.*

Harry-I did stay back to talk to McGonagall. But obviously Libby took that as a "perfect" moment to kiss me. I didn't even see it comi-

Louis-well why didn't you pull away.

Harry- I don't know ok! I don't know. I was shocked! I didn't know how to react and she kept getting closer to me so I kept moving backwards and then she just kissed me straight off the bat! I didn't even have time to react! And before it had even started I managed to push her off which you conveniently didn't see.

*He said, raising his eyes at Louis who still didn't look convinced.*

Louis-well then. What's this whole bullshit about breaking my heart.

Harry- now THAT was a lie. I would NEVER do that Louis! Why in my right mind would I want to! What would I even gain from that.

Louis-to get with Libby.

Harry-oh for gods sake why would I ever want to get with her Louis. I hate her with a passion. She gets on my nerves and she has to ruin everything for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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