Chapter 5:Gryffindor common room🌹

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*Louis carried on jogging up the stairs, cursing about how far away the common room was.*

Louis-why the fookin 'ell are these stairs so long man. And why did the common room have to be so far away!

*He carried on muttering to himself as he slowly approached the common room, passing a few other Gryffindor pupils as he went. Once he'd finally reached the common room, he entered the main comfy area but there wasn't a curly haired boy in sight. Then he realised that he'd be in his room, and he'd have to go and talk to Harry all on his own. In the background all that could be heard was the low warm crack of the fire as he walked towards the bed rooms. Once he reached the door he knocked lightly with the tip of his knuckles, happy to hear the sound of Harry's voice calling him in.*

Harry-come in.

*Louis took a deep breath before he pushed the door open and stepped inside, the red carpet sinking beneath his weight. He quickly scanned the deep red covered room, to spot Harry led on his bed, scribbling in a note book.*

Louis- uh- hey Haz...

*Harry felt his heart swell at the name Louis referred to him by.*

Louis-what's that your writing?


*He said, closing his book and pushing it to the side but not out of reach.*

Harry -well? What's up.

Louis-so um, before I start- is now a good time or not? Or should I leave? I should probably just leave-

Harry- Louis. Now is fine, just tell me what's up?

Louis- well I don't want to make things awkward but...I have a question...


Louis-and I don't want to keep reminding you. And I was just wondering so I thought I'd come ask

Harry-Louis just ask me the question.

Louis-what are you and Libby...?

*Harry just looked at him, a bit surprised at first. Then he began fiddling with the corner of one of the pages in his notebook, thinking of a way to answer the question.*

Harry-not even friends. She annoys the shit out of me. I don't even know why she's suddenly so obsessed with me. Like today in lesson, she wouldn't let me work because instead she wanted to "get to know me". So she took the book away and started asking me questions-

Louis-wait! Sorry- but what do you mean "get to know you?"....

Harry-ugh, she started asking me these cringe questions like have you dated a girl and who do I have my eyes on-

Louis-and what did you say?

*This was Louis' perfect chance to find out what Harry's love life was like. Not that he cared, it was just interesting. And it's something that everyone wants to know about their friends. Harry sat for a second thinking over his answer again, not wanting to slip up about anything.*

Harry-uhhh, well yes of course I've dated a girl but um- on the second one I don't know if I'm ready to say...I'm still confused about it myself and it's just kind of private I guess.

Louis-oh, don't worry. Forget I asked. Carry on-

*Louis mentally kicked himself for interrupting him again. Not to mention the fact that Harry didn't even want to talk to him about it. So he held his tongue for the rest of Harry's explanation, just wanting to leave the room as the tension was so high.*

Harry-so she wasn't letting me work and then she told me to meet her at the womping willow but I didn't want to as you can tell.  And then I kinda fell on you, uh- sorry about that. Again. But that's it. I mean you got to see the rest so...

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