Chapter 2: Would you rather?🌺

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*Harry S pushed himself up from the grass and began walking around the group and collecting in all of the pots, mostly empty with loose bits of sugar. Once he sat back down after receiving them all, he cast another spell to send them away. Once he had finished with all of the pots, the group started playing would you rather, arguing over who got to go first but finally settling on the red head.*

Ron- I'll go first! Niall, Chicken wings OR sausages and mash?

Niall-aaaaaa! That's so hard to choose! Ugh it's gonna have to beeeeeeee...... chicken wings...

*He said, while turning his head away as if he were disgusted with himself, earning a giggle from the group.*

Ron-oh my god. Is this really Niall Horan from Hufflepuff!?

Niall-yes it is Ron Weasely from Gryffindor! Now my turn! Hermione! Since we all want to know, would you rather date Harry P OR Ron?

Hermione- ugh Niall! I don't like EITHER of them! But if I HAD to choose it would probably be...

*She lightly nudged her head towards Harry P as a flush of red dusted the tip of her cheeks. While the group began interrogating Hermione over him, Zayn felt his stomach turn as he turned to Liam and whispered;*

Zayn-of course it would be him.

Liam- everything ok mate? Wait do you have feelings for her!

Zayn- Jesus Christ Liam keep it down! Yes. Well no! Maybe? I don't know.

Liam-well that was a stupid question, because you clearly do.

Zayn-do not! I was just quick to speak that's all.

Liam- hey let's talk later okay? Nows not really the time.

Zayn-okay. But don't go getting ridiculous ideas ok.

*Liam just gave him a knowing look as he turned his head back towards the group and listened to Hermione who began her question.*

Hermione- so Louis would you rather be in Slytherin orrrrr Ravenclaw?

Louis- what a lame question Hermione. Well since I'm in Gryffindor my rival house is Slytherin! So sorry Zayn mate but it's gonna have to be Liam and Ravenclaw!

Liam-yes! I get Louis haha!

*Harry shuffled uncomfortably in his lap. He could feel the scratchy cold grass beneath his hands as he attempted to shuffle in his seated position. Adjusting his collar and shuffling his trousers he looked around and smiled, trying to seem unbothered. Libby noticed and looked towards him, disturbed by his movement.*

Libby-everything ok?

Harry-yeah s'just a bit stuffy, that's all.

*He smiled back at her again when his attention suddenly switched to Louis who had uttered his name.*

Louis- so Harry S would you rather-

*Then suddenly, the bell to the start of classed ran and the giddy mood between the group dropped.*

Louis- damn it! Guess you'll never get to know my question. Well I'm off to potions come on Zayn!

*Louis got up and patted his black haired friend on the shoulder as the rest of the group began to rise from their position.*

Liam- Wait! Zayn before you go I need to talk to you privately, is that ok? It'll only be quick!

Zayn- ok, give me a second ok Tommo?

*Louis just looked back at Zayn and gave him a blank face before he processed what he was asking. Then he gave him and approving nod and gave them some space. While the rest of the group was huddling into their partners for class, Libby grabbed onto Harry S arm and wrapped it within hers. Louis had walked over to them and saw the exact moment play out.*

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