"à bientôt chérie"

445 37 14

*two weeks later*

A loud yawn escaped hoseok's lips as he sat up.scratching his head as he blink the remaining sleep away,running a hand through his messy hair he took his phone from his nightstand. He checked the time then let out a loud scream.

"Fuck,I'm late!" Quickly he ran to the bathroom,pushing it open."what the fuck!?"hoseok blink as he stared at a soap covered yoongi,he was trying hard not to look down."what are you doing in my bathroom!!? "Hoseok yelled annoyed with a small blush on his cheeks." You mean my bathroom? "Yoongi scoff as he continue to wash not bothering to cover his private part.hoseok frown but then he realized it was yoongi's room.

" Fuck,I don't care get out!"

"What the—

Yoongi stood dumfounded as hoseok rush into the bathroom after pushing him out.he glance down at his glistening body and sigh.

" fuck,dad is going to kill me!"hoseok thought bitterly as he quickly finished his shower,after dressing up he ran into the kitchen,he made himself a quick sandwich as he munch on it his eyes fell on something before he quickly left the kitchen.

"O my god these damn papers!" Hoseok cursed as his files kept dropping."young master!"hoseok look up and saw one of his company friends and also his father driver honking at him."get in!"."I'm coming!"hoseok quickly picked up the files,he was sure he was about to die today,just as he started hading for the car,a hand snaked around his waist turning him around.before he could think of anything,lips came crashing down on his.hoseok couldn't resist,his hands wrapping around yoongi's neck he pulled him closer as they make out passionately.

As they pull away,they stared at each other."I love how easily you get distracted "yoongi smirk as hoseok blinked the car honking again made hoseok snap out of whatever trace he was in,he push yoongi off groaning loudly." This little shi—!!"he wined as he made his way to the car,yoongi watch him go with a satisfied smirk.

"Old men send you?" Hoseok ask,he threw the files into the backseat while he put on his seatbelt. "Yes,he seems mad that you're late" hoseok gritted his teeth.after all how could he forget that they were having an important meeting with one of the most successful Korean company in the states?."I wish he isn't that mad"hoseok sigh as he relax into his seat.

"The young master is here!" As soon as hoseok step out of the car,all employees bowed,hoseok returned the gesture shortly before rushing into the meeting room."sorry I'm late"he bowed then flash them an apologetic smile,everybody's heart melted at his smile,he quickly trugde to his father side and took his seat."good morning da—"hoseok let out a loud shriek,his hand quickly going to rub the back of his head."why did you hit me!?"hoseok wined in tiny as his father glare at him."when will you take your job seriously? "Hoseok pout." I am taking it serio—KS company has arrived"all conversions died down as everyone stood up the welcome them.

Everyone watch curiously as the two guards pushed the door open,a group of elegant dressed man emerged inside,what caught everyone's eyes most was the last one that stepped in,he had the face of a Greek god,skin smooth as butter,eyes deep as the Pacific ocean, smooth kissable lips,the glasses on his face making him all more attractive,and not the mention the way he carried himself,so high and mighty gave away that he was confidently a powerful guy.

"Hahaha welcome,welcome my friends" joonki laugh as he approach them along with the staffs while hoseok stood frozen in his place,eyes glued at the gorgeous male.

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