"why did you do that?"

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"Why did you do that?"

That was the first thing hoseok asked yoongi when they entered their house.yoongi closed the door,a sigh escaping his lips he took of his jacket while walking past hoseok who frown,did yoongi not hear him?he wondered so he asked again.

"Yoongi I'm talking to you,why did you do that!?"

Yoongi turn to hoseok who was looking at him like he was ready to kill him if he said something wrong.

"Do what?"

Hoseok scoff and rolled his eyes then he glared at yoongi."Do what?,really min yoongi?,don't act like you don't know!,why did you compliment her?!!"

30 minutes ago.

"Yoongi-ah,you're so nice you brought me all the way home" iu said with a smile,hoseok scoff beside her,as she step out of the car her bodyguards instantly ran to her.

"Don't mention it" yoongi said offering a small smile to iu who blushed,she walked over to yoongi's side of the car with a huge smile."today was nice,I can't wait for us to meet again...you know Alone"iu said the last part without a smile,pressing on the word so hoseok could get the hint that she was referring to him.hoseok didn't even react cause it wasn't worth it.

"See you tomorrow" iu stood on her tiptoe and kissed yoongi on his cheek,yoongi eyes widen in shock but before he could react iu pulled away and smiled,yoongi didn't know how to react so he blurted out."you look nice"at the compliment iu instantly became red.

Meanwhile at the back hoseok had his eyes glued on the scene,jaw dropped and he wasn't even blinking, he felt his heart racing,not in a good way,he had to clench his fist to calm down,he sat quietly the entire time until they reached home.

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ present

Yoongi gave hoseok no answer he only stared at hoseok with his cold eyes.it was making hoseok angrier cause he at least deserve an answer right?."I can't believe you,how can you let her kiss you like that?!!,and YOU!!,YOU COMPLIMENTED HER!!,WHY!?,you don't even compliment me!!!"hoseok wined in his angry voice.yoongi thought it was adorable how whiny hoseok got whenever he was angry.he wanted to tease him more.

"Yaah,yaah!?,where are you going?" Hoseok ask with wide eyes when yoongi went into the shower and slam the door shut loudly.hoseok stood there still shocked until he heard the water running."oh....okey,this is how it is now right?,FINE!!"hoseok angrily left yoongi's room."NOT LIKE I CARE!!"he yell outside of the room,yoongi couldn't help but smile.

Sometime later

Yoongi was getting ready for bed,he didn't have dinner because the food he ate earlier was enough for him,it was already past midnight but a certain someone was still not in his room,which was strange.yoongi's looked around his room and saw that hoseok was not in it,releasing a sigh he got up to search for him.

"Wow,he really think he's all that huh!?" Hoseok fumed in the comfort of the quiet kitchen,he had a knife and apple in hand he was cutting and eating it aggressively while he talked to himself.

"Ignore?,ignore me!?,huh I don't even care"he shouted angrily,he didn't even know why he was so angry at this point he didn't even care,he was just going to let his emotions flow.ever since he could remember he was always calm and collected until min yoongi came into the picture, he was acting completely the opposite of what he knew.

" what does he even think about his self!?,just because he's freaking handsome he thinks he can just ignore me!!?,wow..wow min yoongi you really have some nerve"

He bit down on the apple harshly doing the same with chewing."he thinks I'll be here forever"he scoffs."I'll be gone in—"he gasp suddenly as he remembered something he wished he didn't."that fucking bitch!!,HOW DARE SHE KISS HIM IN FRONT OF ME!!"hoseok with all his anger threw the entire basket full of fruits on the floor."FUCK!!"his hands came down hard on the kitchen counter as he breathed heavily in anger,it felt like he was loosing his mind,the more the thought about it the more angry he got.

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