"you must be kidding me"

454 41 70

"I want a divorce"

Yoongi mind seemed to stop functioning after what hoseok said,he froze on the spot and was so confused,he couldn't even utter a word,what was this sudden request coming from?why now?yoongi had so many questions. He stared at hoseok,his face void of emotions. Suddenly hoseok groan loudly making yoongi frown.

"That was so so easier to say than what I actually want to say" hoseok sigh and place his cup down.

Yoongi let out a sigh of relief,hoseok didn't want a divorce, he was just joking,somehow that made yoongi relief,more than he liked.

"Just say what you want to say and get out" yoongi says as he turn slowly facing the mirror to continue dressing.

"This rude jerk" hoseok cursed lowly,he set the now empty cup of coffee down and glance at yoongi's back with a glare."yoongi!,yoongi!!"he called.

"What?" Yoongi was barely paying attention to hoseok,that for some reason made hoseok frustrated and mad.

"I'm trying to talk to you but you're not even listening to me!"

Suddenly yoongi approach hoseok and pin him on the bed his body hovering above hoseok's own like a ceiling,hoseok gasp seeing yoongi's face so close,his heart started racing and he couldn't help but blush."talk"hoseok gulp,yoongi on top of him speaking in that deep voice was doing something to him.

"I want want to.....say..." Hoseok began."I...I.."its not like hoseok didn't know what to say but yoongi's intense eyes were distracting him,he tried again but then yoongi humm and he lost it."yoongi I'm trying to speak here"the complain seemed to have flew pass yoongi's head because he continued to stare at hoseok,gaze unmoving so hoseok tried to speak again."look,maybe you think staring at me like that will make me react some type of way but you're......you're completely......"hoseok throat felt dry when he felt yoongi's hand rubbing his waist in a very very extremely sensual way he could feel his body reacting to it,his eyes widen then slowly slowly his eyes on their own traveled to yoongi's pink lips.he was going crazy.

In a swift moment, he turned their position,yoongi was now laying on the bed with hoseok in his lap."stop distracting me son of a bitch"hoseok huff and this time he tried to say what he wanted to say."I..."he sigh this was really hard for him to say he couldn't believe he was the one suggesting this,he tried to ignore yoongi moving hand on his hip but was failing miserably.

"I want you to work with iu"

Yoongi hand on hoseok waist stilled as he quickly looked up at hoseok who had his eyes closed and already regretting what he said.yoongi moved hoseok away and stood up without a word."I can't believe I suggest this but I'm worried,not about you of course,I'm worried that you'll go broke then people will accuse me for not being a good husband and helping you,you know I'll face backlash too if you go down and yoongi I don't want to go down with you"yes that may be some of the reasons but the real reason why hoseok was bringing this up,its because deep inside he felt bad for yoongi and wouldn't be at peace as long as he didn't do something,only today morning when he was scrolling on his phone he saw an article about yoongi business going down,right then he knew he had to do something. His first idea was to help yoongi with his own money but he knew the boy would act stubborn and never would accept something like that from him,yoongi would see it like he own hoseok,his enemy,something.he would've turn that offer down in seconds that's why hoseok came up with this idea Eben tho he hated it.

Yoongi turn to hoseok and sigh."hoseok mind your own business,don't interve in my work,don't"hoseok face formed a scowl as he glared at yoongi,he wasn't going to give up he taunted and talk to yoongi until he couldn't take it anymore and eventually gave in.

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