Chapter 3: A Musical Mystery

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(Connor P.O.V)(a few minutes later)

I kept on going through my memory bank, thinking about what happened to Jacob. Chloe came into my room, she looked concerned, "Connor, are you okay?" she asked, "I'm fine, just thinking" I said, Chloe said next to me, clearly she was willing to help, "Whenever Elijah felt stress, he thought about meditation" she said, I got up and looked at her. "He meditated? Why am I not surprised" I joked. Chloe pulled me out of my bed and had me sit on the floor, she sat down in front of me and started to play some calming music over my radio, "Okay, so to start, we do some simple breathing, in and out" Chloe said as she started breathing, I followed suit and closed my eyes, as we continued I felt my stress melting away, like ice cream on a hot day. When we were finished, I nearly fell over when I got up, "That's never happened before" I said as I regained my balance, "I guess that's a thing about being deviant, you also tend to be clumsy" Chloe said while helping me up.

When I got downstairs, I saw Sumo on the couch, "So, what were you thinking about?" Chloe asked, "Just the investigation, when that android self destructed, Tyler said that Jacob was the only android who lived the week to the fullest, that he knew of" I said, "Hmm, heard anything from him?" Chloe asked, "As I was thinking, I felt his software fill with happiness, I guess Jericho must feel like home to him" I said as I made thirium milkshakes. Chloe sat down with Sumo on her lap, "Hmm, glad he's doing fine, I read the the XK500 model was also made to be protective of their 'family', no wonder he was so sad when Jacob self-destructed" Chloe said. I handed her a thirium milkshake, she smiled and took a sip, "Simon's recipe, he's a genius when it comes to this stuff" I said as I stirred my milkshake, "This is so good, you should be a cook" Chloe said, "Whenever I use that stove, I'm a day closer to setting the house on fire" I said jokingly which made Chloe giggle, "You're funny" she said smiling, "It's new information, just to get Hank out of a sour mood" I said honestly and handed her the remote. When Chloe turned on the tv, we saw a breaking news report, "The Detroit Police Department has given us new intel on the investigation of the android deaths plaguing the area since the revolution, according to Lieutenant Hank Anderson: the killer is still unknown, but it's said that the killer can hack the minds of android models who have experience significant trauma, making them self destruct, an XK500 android named Tyler stands with us now" the reporter said.

Chloe and I became more concerned as Tyler appeared on the tv, "Lt Anderson decided to let me help out with this thing, since one of the victims was my brother figure for over 2 years, even this other android named Connor's helping him out" Tyler explained, "You know the deviant detective. Looks like you have a strong connection to the revolution" the reporter said, "Uh nope, I met him after" Tyler said. "Connor's just going through things due to the investigation, it's best to leave him outta this one for a few days kiddo" we heard Hank. I was a bit worried, since I'm a new model, a prototype no less. "You're taking the week off?" Chloe asked, "Yeah, one: so I can find a firewall to keep me from being hacked, two: to help Jericho out with their investigation, and three: so I can help another certain deviant fit in" I said honestly, Chloe started to blush as she put her milkshake down. "Aww Connor, that's so sweet of you, and you're still helping out the police" Chloe said.

I smirked at Chloe as she changed the channel, it showed some old cartoons that we've never seen before, "Do you ever wonder what would've happened if you never went deviant?" she suddenly asked, "I knew I would've been replaced, since the RK800 model was a prototype, but I'm glad I never have to find out" I said, Chloe looked at me full of curiosity, it's like she was thinking of something to say, but the phone had to ruin it. "Hello?" I said as I answered, "Connor, we have a problem, the local orchestra just called us, saying an android died, North and I are already here" Markus said, "Uh oh, Chloe and I'll be right there" I said. "What is it Connor" Chloe asked as I hung up, "It's Markus, he needs our help at the local theatre, the DPD might meet us there" I said. "Okay, should I get changed?" Chloe asked, "You might need a coat, here take mine" I said as I gave Chloe my blue coat, it matched her dress perfectly. She blushed as she put her shoes on, "C'mon, we gotta get there quick to meet Lieutenant and Tyler" I said as I called a cab.

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