Chapter 4: Programming Anomaly

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(3rd Person P.O.V) (November 15th, 2038)

It took a few days to figure out what was in common with both murders, and when they figured it out, they decided to look at the VB300 would-be-victim. Valeria was scared to trust the police at first, but she soon warmed up to Connor and agreed to the process. She had her hands on her lap the entire time, she was shaking and shivering, not because she was cold, because se was nervous.

At the police station, Valeria was strapped into a device, it was made to scan androids so that Cyberlife repairmen could see what was wrong. "Markus let us borrow this" Hank said as Gavin sipped his coffee, "Why is that plastic prick helping us again?" Gavin asked, "Deviants are being killed Gavin, besides if we help them, we'd be upping our chances for a promotion" Hank said nearly making Gavin choke on his coffee. Conner and Valeria were in the other room, "Okay, Markus said that this is a painless process, but you need to hold still" Connor explained, Valeria was a little scared, but Connor looked at her like a father would look at his daughter, "It's going to be okay, I'll be in the other room" Connor said, "Thank you" Valeria said as she smiled at Connor, Connor smiled back as he left the room. "Ok, here we go" Simon said as he activated the device.

Valeria closed her eyes as the scanner went around her, the results came back and it showed that there was something wrong. "Uuh what is that?" Hank asked, "The limitation on her sound amplifiers is missing, it appears that it was removed the she was hacked" Simon said, "I've never seen the limitations removed for any android, what happens?" Connor asked, Simon just shrugged his shoulders, but soon the power started to go awry, "Ok what the fuck?" Gavin asked when the coffee machine stopped working, "Apparently when she was hacked, her limitations were removed, meaning she's stronger than any other android out there" Simon said, "Why?" Hank asked clearly scared to know the answer, "I don't know, but Valeria must be kept safe" Simon said. "Also look at this, the technology used to built her isn't from here, it was shipped form Moscow" Connor said, "Russian technology plus powerful amplifiers, equals a bomb waiting to go off" Simon said with a worried face. When he left, Gavin just facepalmed, "Leave it the pros you say, he didn't know shit" he said, Connor looked back as he got Valeria out of the device, she was clearly feeling better.

"So what's wrong with me?" Valeria asked, "It seems that the hacking removed the limitations on your sound amplifiers" Connor told her, Valeria looked at her hands, she was clearly scared as she picked up her violin, when she played all the power started to go haywire, "What's going on here?!" Captain Fowler yelled, Connor looked on as Valeria's eyes turned from blue to a ghostly white, "She's disrupting the power, it's her sound amplifiers, they're creating powerful waves that can disrupt any and all technology" Connor said after analyzing the environment. When Valeria stopped playing, she looked around, "Did I do that?" she asked, "I think you did kiddo" Hank said. Suddenly Connor got a message, "I gotta take this, be right back" he said as he walked off.

(Connor P.O.V)

I went to the break room, I saw that the message was from Chloe.


CHLOE: Connor! Thank god I got in touch with you

CONNOR: Chloe, what's wrong?

CHLOE: I was talking to everyone at Jericho when Simon got back, but soon everything started to go haywire, like it had a mind of it's own

CONNOR: That was Valeria

CHLOE: Valeria? Why would she be involved in this?

CONNOR: Apparently the limitations on her sound amplifiers were removed, allowing her to make really powerful sound waves that can disrupt technology, or even control them whenever she plays her violin, the hacker must've tripled the power to do this, she's terrified.

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