Chapter 5: Another One?!

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(3rd Person P.O.V)

Connor soon got to the location Hank sent to him, the local animal shelter wasn't far from Jericho. So Connor only had to walk a few blocks, until he got to the shelter. When he got there, he saw the crime scene tape, and Hank was drinking a root beer outside, "Hey kiddo, I was about to say you should stay out of this, but knowing you, probably not" Hank said making the RK800 smile, "You know me so well" Connor said jokingly. "Oh shut it, let's go inside" Hank said showing Connor the crime scene, a female GR300 model looked completely mangled, the rest of the android was under a large metal shelf, and the nape of her neck was missing. "Dammit, these are getting more grisly by the day" Hank said, Connor got closer so he could scan the android, "Her translator is missing" he said, "His what?" Hank asked, "These models have translators so they can understand animals, so they can know how to take care of them, it's like Valeria's sound amplifiers, it's an important part of the model" Connor explained, Hank only wrote down 'Translator missing' in his book. 

"Sup shitbirds" a voice said, Hank and Connor turned to see Gavin eating chips, "You're eating chips at a time like this?" Hank asked, "Says the guy that has a root beer in his hand" Gavin said. "Okay lets just drop it, this is like the other two murders, a new model android is murdered and an internal part of the model is missing, a thirium pump, two sound amplifiers, and now a translator, this is something else" Connor said, "Uuh, what?" Gavin asked, "Have you not been paying attention detective?" Connor asked, "No, I'm talking about THAT!!" Gavin yelled pointing towards the door. There stood another android, but the crazy thing is, the android looked exactly like Connor, except he had blue eyes, and a large white jacket with the model RK900 on the jacket. Connor's jaw dropped, he definitely wasn't expecting this, "Hello, I'm the RK900, I'm the android sent from Cyberlife" the RK900 said, it took everything for Connor not to fall over in surprise. "Uuh hi?" Hank said, "I was sent here to join my partner" 900 said, "Uuh, well I'm taken thank you very much" Hank said grabbing Connor by the arm, "I know, my partner is one Detective Reed" 900 said.

Gavin nearly choked on his chips, "WHAT?!" he asked angrily, "You and I are partners, Fowlers orders" 900 said, "Uuh, but.." Gavin stuttered. Hank dragged Connor out the shelter, "This is weird right?" he asked the RK800, "Yeah, I thought Cyberlife was done making androids after I infiltrated their warehouses" Connor said, "Well, I guess we were wrong, we better get back in there" Hank said. When the two walked in, they saw 900 checking out the corpse, "Hmm, it seems there were no signs of struggle, and her translator was removed carefully" he said, "Uh huh" Hank said, "Hey, there's an open window, it looks like the GR300 wasn't the only person here" Connor said, "It does seem someone cleaned their feet as to not leave footprints, I'll keep investigating the scene" 900 said, "HEY! How about-" Hank yelled, "Easy Hank, I know something else we can see" Connor said looking directly into a camera. Hank understood and the two went to the security office. Connor removed the skin on his hand as he looked through the footage. 

"There, the footage glitches when this figure approaches the window, but form what I see, it looks like its a male" Connor said, "Hey, look! Is that a scalpel in his hands?" Hank asked, "Yes it is, and a lot of other surgical tools, but she self destructed beforehand, that explains a lot" Connor said. As the boys were looking into the footage, the lights started flickering, and there was panic on the streets. "Uhh, what's happening?" Hank asked, soon Connor heard crying, he instantly recognized it as Valeria's. "It's Valeria, she's having a panic attack" Connor said. "Oh god, is she at Jericho?" Hank asked, "Judging from her location, Chloe took her to our house to calm her down, she seems scared out of her mind" Connor said. "Well lets get over there, we'll be right back boys, we gotta take care of shit" Hank said as the two took the car and drove towards the house, they saw light flickering and the wind was picking up, "Looks like Valeria's making sound pulses, no wonder the winds going crazy" Connor said as he looked out the window, "Who fucking cares?! All that matters is calming down that android bomb" Hank said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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