Chapter 20- Leading The Flame

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Victor stared at The Master, figuring out what to say next.

"Why don't you get it yourself?" Victor questioned her as she turned to face him.

The Master fixed her gaze on him, "Although I possess the capability, I desire for you to undertake this task," she conveyed to him. Victor's curiosity piqued as he met her gaze.

"I shall procure it for you." he assured her with his unwavering loyalty.


Jane and the rest of the group sprinted through the dense woods, their footsteps echoing amidst the rustling leaves and snapping tree branches.

Brian paused, gasping for breath, and whispered, "Where should we go?"

Liz surveyed the others and responded, "Let's head back to the camp I was staying in," before settling down on the ground.

Jane urgently warned them not to waste time, fearing the lurking presence of assassins.

However, before she could finish her sentence, her legs gave way, and she collapsed to the forest floor.

Startled, Brian rushed to her side, supporting her with care. Liz approached Jane, placing her palm gently on her forehead, and astonishingly declared, "There's nothing wrong."

Jane, with her eyes fluttering open and closed, expressed her distress, revealing that she could sense her powers draining away.

Annalise observed Jane, a faint smile playing on her lips, barely noticeable.

Concerned, Jacob turned to Celestine and implored, "Can you do something?"

However, Celestine hesitated, apprehensive that using her powers would only allow the Master to exploit them against the entire group.

Amy cautiously approached Jane, her eyes filled with worry, and asked, "It's not going to be fatal, right?"

"No way she's gonna kill Jane," Liz assured, referring to the Master's intentions. "She needs her," Liz continued, emphasizing the significance of Jane to the Master's plans.

Brian suddenly interjected, his voice filled with urgency, "Hold on a second, guys. I think we need to take a break and pause for a while."

His words were met with agreement from Liz, who nodded in understanding. Together, they gently guided Jane to lie down on the forest floor, ensuring she was as comfortable as possible.

With determination in his eyes, Jacob spoke up, "I'll go and gather some wood to start a fire. It'll help keep us warm and provide some much-needed light." Without waiting for a response, he ventured deeper into the dense forest, his footsteps fading into the distance.

However, he didn't go alone, as Celestine quickly chimed in, "I'll come with you." she followed closely behind, disappearing into the shadows of the trees.

Meanwhile, Annalise, ever the optimist, offered words of reassurance to Amy, who looked worried about Jane's condition. Placing a comforting hand on Amy's shoulder, Annalise spoke softly, "Don't worry, Amy. Jane is a fighter, and I truly believe she's going to be okay."

Her words carried a sense of hope and encouragement, providing a glimmer of comfort in the midst of uncertainty.


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