Chapter 5- Secrets Unveiled

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Jane fought against their grip, desperately pleading for freedom as they forcefully led her into a stark white room with a small window.

Jane's voice echoed with frustration as she pleaded to be set free.

Jane was left in silence for a few minutes as the two men exited the room.

Just as Jane was starting to wonder what would happen next, a door on the other side of the room creaked open. A man stepped inside, adding to the suspense.

"Oh, is it my birthday or did I finally get the present I always wanted?" the man exclaimed with excitement as he approached Jane.

"What a pleasant surprise! Oh, wait, it's not really a surprise. I sent for you," he continued, leaving Jane feeling a bit awkward in the situation.

"Oh, right, where are my manners," he chuckled. "My name's Victor, but most people just call me Vortex." He extended his hand for a handshake, but Jane looked at him with a grimace. "Oh, sorry, we didn't reach that part yet," he said, retracting his hand.

"You must be Jane, right?" he said, acknowledging her presence. Jane, feeling uncertain about the situation, looked around the room, avoiding eye contact, and asked, "I don't know what's really going on here. Where's my sister?"

Victor raised his finger, indicating he had something to show her. He walked over to a light switch and flipped it. Suddenly, a large window illuminated, revealing a white room with Amy lying on a bed while others conducted tests on her.

Jane's eyes widened in shock as she ran up to the window, desperately shouting, "Amy! I'm right here!" Victor's smile remained as he calmly replied, "She can't hear you or see you."

Jane's gaze remained fixed on the wonder as she mustered the courage to speak, her voice filled with worry.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked, her eyes reflecting her fear. Victor met her gaze with a hint of pity in his eyes. "You shall find out sooner or later," he replied, his voice tinged with mystery.

As he made his way towards the door, Jane's anger flared up, and she looked at him with fury. He closed the door behind him, leaving Jane alone in the room.

Overwhelmed with frustration, she ran up to the door and unleashed a torrent of screams and shouts, hoping to make her voice heard.


Brian and the others skillfully maneuvered through the hallways, evading detection. Suddenly, the girl halted Brian in his tracks. "What?" he asked, curious about her interruption.

She discreetly pointed out a camera that they hadn't noticed. Jacob, frustrated, questioned her, "Then what are we supposed to do, huh?" The girl calmly responded, "We'll have to take a longer route." The rest of the group groaned in response to the added inconvenience.

As they continued to follow her, they unexpectedly encountered a guard. Brian and the others quickly retreated while the girl diverted the guard's attention, successfully leading him away.

She returned to the group and confidently stated, "I think I know where your girl is." Brian and Jacob exchanged a perplexed glance, prompting her to clarify, "Ugh, you know what I mean."

Aria, eager for answers, asked her, "Where is she?" The girl simply replied, "Follow me."


Jane surveyed the room, finding solace on the offered bed. From the window, she locked eyes with Amy, and a wave of emotions overwhelmed her.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she whispered, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..."

Jane's anger subsided as she heard the door creak open. She quickly wiped away her tears, but her expression remained fierce.

As a familiar voice called out her name, she turned around and was overjoyed to see Brian, Jacob, and Aria. "Brian?" she exclaimed, rushing towards him and embracing him tightly.

Jacob couldn't hide his disappointment as he observed the heartfelt embrace between Jane and Brian.

With a sense of relief, Jane released her grip on Brian and a smile spread across her face as she looked at the trio standing before her. "You guys actually came for us...?" she asked, her voice filled with gratitude.

Jacob couldn't help but notice their intertwined hands, which dampened his mood. Brian, meeting Jane's gaze, responded with a reassuring smile, "What are friends for, right?"

Aria's eyes filled with hurt as she spotted Amy through the window. "What are they doing to her?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with concern.

Just as she turned her attention back to the group, Victor abruptly entered the room, a smirk on his face. "Wow, just in time," he taunted, gesturing towards the guards who had apprehended the girl who had helped them. "You didn't think I'd let you roam freely in my building, did you?" he sneered, giving a signal to the guards who swiftly captured everyone except Jane.

As the others departed, the room fell into an eerie silence, leaving only Victor and Jane standing face to face. Victor's eyes bore into Jane's as he spoke with a commanding tone, "Why don't you follow me?"

Jane's voice quivered with anger as she shot back, "Why should I?"

The tension in the air thickened as Victor's voice turned stern, his words cutting through the room, "Well, you'd rather me be nice, right?"

With a final lingering gaze, he strode out of the room, purposefully leaving the door ajar, tempting Jane to make her choice.

Jane's heart raced as she and Victor entered a room engulfed in an eerie ambiance. Glass cages lined the pale white walls, each containing a formidable assassin.

People stood around, fixated on the caged figures, their eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and unease. In the midst of the crowd, Jane's gaze locked with a woman who seemed hauntingly familiar. With a surge of recognition, Jane couldn't help but shout, "Mrs. Smith?" The woman turned her gaze towards Jane, her eyes sunken with dark circles, devoid of any emotion.

An unsettling feeling washed over Jane as they locked eyes, leaving her with an eerie sense of foreboding.

Victor's words piqued Jane's curiosity as he declared, "We've studied all the ones we've captured. And you'll be surprised by what we have discovered."

Intrigued, Jane couldn't help but inquire, "What does that have to do with my sister?" She anxiously awaited Victor's response, hoping for answers about her sister's involvement in this mysterious situation.

"Oh, your sister is at the center of it all," Victor declared, his voice filled with a sinister tone.

Suddenly, a woman dressed in a crisp white coat entered the room, clutching a syringe in her hand.

"This nurse," Victor continued, gesturing towards her, "extracted a small amount of blood from your sister."

His eyes locked onto Jane as he spoke. "Now, observe closely," he commanded.

The nurse approached Mrs. Smith's glass cage, deftly opening a small hatch. Mrs. Smith, consumed by rage, desperately reached out to stop the nurse, but it was too late.

The nurse swiftly injected the contents of the syringe into her, sealing the hatch shut. Mrs. Smith's cries grew louder as she clutched her head, collapsing to the ground in a state of unconsciousness.

Moments later, she awoke, her expression one of confusion and despair. "Help me, please," she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation. Gasps filled the room as everyone witnessed the shocking scene unfold before their eyes.

"It worked," Victor proclaimed, his laughter echoing with a chilling resonance.

Jane's jaw dropped in astonishment as she made a stunning realization. "Wait... she's human," she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder.

"She's... cured." The room fell silent as the implications of this revelation sank in.

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