Chapter 15

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"Okay Suga, all you have to do is act cool and then hand her the damn bracelet." I whispered to myself, why was I even panicking from the beginning? I don't even know... I hovered my hand over the doorbell, but I couldn't press it.


Her mom is cool with Jin's mom so I've been over at her house... Like three times? Her mom already knows me! I don't need to act so formal!

"Yah, who are you?" I trned around, and met eyes with a short guy.

Holy crap. He was cute.


He's cute as in like an adorable little brother cute!

"Why are you in front of noonas house?" Another boy with chubby cheeks asked with an accusing glare. I gulped.

12 kids?

"It that you Suga hyung?" I snapped my head over to a tall boy who was really handsome.

"Seokminnie?" I asked, and he nodded excitedly. "Whoa!~ How have you been Seokmin?"

"Good hyung! What are you doing here? Do you know Jeonghan hyung and Irene noona?" He asked, fixing his bag strap that was on his shoulder.

"I know Irene." I told the boys, and they all 'oooh'-ed.

"WAHHHH! Seokmin-ah! You got competition!" A guy that looked like a pug yelled.

"Shut up! I don't even like noona like that!" Seokmin blushed, and I placed the box that had the bracelet back in my pocket.

"Well, I'll.. Uh, go." I laughed nervously, quickly walking down her driveway and toward Jin's house.

"BYE HYUNG!!!!" They all screamed while waving. I waved back, and they entered in the gate while screaming for someone to open up. I chuckled, and knocked on Jin's door.

"Wait a sec!" I heard a girly voice yell. Wtf? Jin had a girlfriend??!?!?!!? I gulped as I heard yelled. I shifted in my feet awkwardly. Hopefully I didn't interrupt their sweet moment.

I looked at the girl as she opened the door, and my jaw dropped.

"UGLY GORILLA?!" I screamed, "IS THAT SUGA HYUNG!!!" I heard Taehyung screamed, and loud footsteps follow. Something pounced on me, and I knew that it was Tae.

"HYUNG!!! I MISSED YOUUUUU~~~" He cried, rubbing his nose onto my neck which created weird shivers.

"I know, you told me earlier." I chuckled, and Irene stepped to the side while opening Jin's door wider. I stepped in while still holding the giant monkey. "Yah, get off of me."

Tae hopped off, and ran back into the living room. I looked at Irene, and saw that she was shocked to see me. Her hair was tied up into a bun, and she was wearing her pajamas.

"Cute shorts." I teased, and she blushed. "Y-Yahh... Penguins are cute you know." She said, and I nodded.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me, and I raised my brow. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"Just answer my question!" She whined, and I smiled. "I'm visiting my friends house?" I questioned, and she gave me a -_- face.

"STOP ANSWERING MY QUESTIONS WITH A QUESTION!" She screamed, and I rolled my eyes and pushed her out of the way.

The boys were all over the living room. I saw that the TV was on with a game of Super Mario Bros paused. Probably because Irene got the door.

"Yoongi oppa~" Hoseok screamed with his annoying aegyo voice, and began to jump around. I looked around to see that all the boys were here, and they were all eating pizza.

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