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"his walking down the aisle and your waiting for him Infront with your brother Poseidon,I was by his side while the ring bearer is just behind us"

Kojiro keeps smiling to the thought of that day while also grieving the thought that why does it have to be that day too,the tragic happen.

"Rimuru keeps smiling really looking forward to be married to you,when his Infront of you you actually complimented him"

Kojiro laugh a little to the thought and hades raise an eyebrow seems to be asking what kind of compliment.

"You said I hope this is not the last time I see you in this type of dress,and rimuru said oh darling this won't be the last hahhaha"

Kojiro cringe to those sentence before proceeding to the story.

"But before you could take your bow someone attacked the place where the wedding is taking scene"

Now this is the part where everyone tense because kojiro suddenly changes his eyes to seriousness.

"Those bitches has the guts to destroy his happiness"

Kojiro greeted his teeth and this is the first time they saw kojiro like this even in history kojiro is known for his kindness.

"As I was saying...those bitches who destroyed the wedding ceremony was defeated after all but both of us are heavily and rimuru are in a state of weakness because someone apparently drug us before the wedding,it's probably the drinks that girl servant gave to us"

Kojiro pause for a moment and then summon a glass of water and he look at the brothers asking If they want too,the brothers said yes and ask for some wine and cheese.

After drinking the water kojiro proceeded to tell the story.

"Where I my again ohh wait I I'm sure you saw in your dreams the part where were dying right?"

Kojiro ask and the two brother stiffen from the sudden question from him,they look at him before looking down and nodded towards him.

"We're not actually dying that time it's just that were so weak at the time that we have to sleep for a long time...we both know how greatly you two will be hurt so we erase your memories but when I woke up my fiance is already married to some bitch that I don't even wanna know"

That sting a little towards Poseidon but he too thinks that his wife is a bitchy person,always demanding things and so on and so forth.

"I won't go to more details he will tell you that personally hades,don't worry he will come back soon it's just that his a little sad when he heard your married"

Kojiro keeps smiling towards them and since his been telling stories he became more tired he didn't even look at the clock.

It's already past noon and they still haven't eaten anything,kojiro call for someone to bring some lunch for them and some sweets too.

Minutes later someone arrive with a tray of foods and drinks kojiro summon a chair and table this time for then to dine in.

He said thanks to the servant before thanking for having a food Infront of them.

The two brothers keeps silent all the time and kojiro know that they wanted to ask but keep it inside.

Kojiro smiled before saying something.

"Hades you should probably go back and look after your land and sei let's talk in private later"

He said before proceeding to eat there lunch.

After eating dinner they separated to do what they're supposed to do.

But of course it's only hades who leave since kojiro ask Poseidon to stay after dinner.

"Shall we talk now?"

Kojiro look at Poseidon desperately.
Poseidon nodded of course kojiro already know that he will not just talk miraculously just because he revealed something's to them.

Kojiro change the scenerio again,this time it's night the moon was so high up and big,there's a bed on the ground and some pillow and blanket,there's also a pillar that hold the roof,it looks like the one you see in the garden where everyone takes a break after walking.

Kojiro took a sit and patted his side for Poseidon to sit down,Poseidon seated down reluctantly.

Once seated both kojiro started to tell their story.

"What are you doing here?"

Young Poseidon ask,his holding a book while looking at the person that seemingly trying to pull a weed?.

The person looks at him before smiling letting go of the plant it's holding.

"I'm trying to pull this flower but it doesn't badge at all"

Young kojiro said with a sad face,Poseidon bent down to his level before speaking.

"Your not supposedly to pull it like that,just water them with boiling water before pulling"

"Really? Then next time I bring some hot water with me,thank you for the help"

Kojiro smiled towards him,Poseidon didn't know what comes to him to always come looking for kojiro.

Everyday they meet to the same spot where Poseidon found kojiro,telling stories about their day sometimes they even bring food and snacks for each other.

But one day kojiro suddenly disappeared not telling anything to Poseidon,since then Poseidon never look at someone else faces not even the face of his own brothers.

15 years later kojiro and Poseidon grow up,kojiro being a halfling always gives him a hard time to interact to other gods.

February 14 2018,kojiro was given as a payment to a god,of course he told them not to but they push him to the edge making him say yes,he didn't even know the name of the god.

Proceeded to the castle where kojiro arrive,he was greeted with so many servants,he greeted them back while smiling so widely,the butler lead him to the guest room since his room is still not ready yet.

At night kojiro was called by the god his supposed to be master from today on wards,he knock and the god let him in.

"Hello sir"


Kojiro bowed before looking up slowly,once he saw his blonde hair and bluish eyes with a pale but masculine body someone suddenly came to his mind.


Kojiro immediately put his hand to his mouth in a attempt to shut it since the god look at him with a glint of anger.


"S-sorry sir,you just reminded of sei m-my friend when I was young"


"M-my name?,it's kojiro,sasaki kojiro sir"


Kojiro is a little bit relieve to know that his supposedly master let it go juts this time.

"Bring me a cookies and a bread with a milk and the plant was not supposed to be pulled like that your supposedly to pour In a hot water"

Poseidon said,kojiro immediately look at him with a wide eyes before smiling and going to the kitchen to get what he wants.

"Here sir"

Kojiro put the try down before making sure his a distance away from Poseidon.

But Poseidon called for him and he does,he pulled him to his lap before proceeding to do his work while kojiro is so flustered.

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