Attention, please! - Part two

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Attention please! - Part two

Ohholymotherofmywetdreams! Free me from this torture! I can't bear this pain! I'm begging you, give this poor soul salvation… 

… Fuck.

As you might suspect, I didn't kill myself, but I certainly wished I were dead the second I regained consciousness. The first thing my muddled senses could perceive was my head greeting me with a wave of rippling pain that felt like my skull was on the verge of splitting into two. I had a horrible taste on my tongue, whose origins I highly suspect were vomit. To top it off, it was as if every single cell in my body ached, as if I had been run over by a train. Dear Lord, now I remember why I usually refrained from drinking extensively. Dammit! That was just Captain Sexy's fault, otherwise I would never resort to such lowly activities!

Libido: So we are finally acknowledging, he's sexy as hell?

Go away… can't you just be useless in silence?

Cursing like my grandma I rolled on my side, continuing to surrender myself to endless suffering. And as I lay there, delivered to death, as if I were a flounder washed up on the beach and roasting in the sun, I was surprised to notice that something was amiss. I was in a bed, a great observation indeed, but the scent emanating from the pillow that enveloped me was unfamiliar, yet I suspected I had smelled it before. But where? It was soothing and calming, masculine… I couldn't remember. However, this strange gut feeling persisted…

“Am I already in heaven?” I moaned theatrically, placing a hand over my still closed eyes.  

“Not yet, my little flight attendant, but we will get there.”

I truly despise my gut feeling, the gods, and life in general. All alcohol-induced excruciating pain evaporated instantaneously as soon as my impaired brain cells deciphered the imminent danger in the form of hearing this particular voice. Suddenly, reserves of energy I never knew existed surged through my body. Alarms blared within my mind, jolting my befuddled mental companions into a state of semi-consciousness.

I quickly sat up, dangerously swaying, and ignoring the pounding sensation on my temples, while staring deeply horrified into the beaming face of my nemesis. 

Captain Fucking Se… Xiao Zhan.

At that moment, several potentially fatal realisations dawned upon me:

I am not in my apartment. 

I am not in my bed. 

And worst of all, I am NOT alone.

Oh, and evidently, my friends are unreliable, fraudulent bastards. 

Looking back, it became clear to me that opening my eyes was a grave mistake. Instantly, as if being hypnotised they fixated on the otherworldly figure leaning casually in the doorframe, triggering an alarming reaction from my treacherous body - a reaction it definitely shouldn't have had! But in my defense, I suspect my over eager Libido took advantage of my current delicate body condition. 

Libido, quietly sips coffee and raises an eyebrow.

“Good morning, my little flight attendant.” How can a voice be so deep, silky and soft at the same time? Must be some kind of dark magic, right?

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, and my stupid, fooled heart decided to play a drum solo. Captain Sexy's dark, penetrating gaze had me glued like a deer in headlights. I swallowed hard, trying to compose myself. But then I noticed a twitch downstairs and absolute panic hit me. Shit, shit, shit! Without skipping a beat, I yanked the blanket over my head. 

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